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Should I just give up?

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Hello guys,

firstly,this is NOT a whine thread,despite the title,I'm seriously asking what to do.

I've always played as Udinese in FM,because I love how they always tried to concentrate on youth,discovering talents who usually then go to play for big teams.

This year their team is,sadly,quite butchered,with Handanovic gone to Inter and Isla,Asamoah and Candreva co owned and played by Juventus and Lazio....depsite this they're still considered in my team (so much that during press talks they ask me how I see their injuries,surely a bug) and the team reputation is quite high,so you're expected to win,even in Champions league and such.

As for me,I've never been tactically adept,I really have no idea how to set up tactics,but I also never had to use game breaking ones to exploit the ME and win every time,the last couple years I've been using a very simple 4-4-2 for llm which gave me a balanced formation and an average balance in results...so I'd basically play decently well enough and have time to get promising youths,slowly develop them (or sell them for cash) and,step by step,mounting a title challenge. Again,I was simply content at having something that worked.

Problem is,this year I can't even do that...my old 4-4-2 llm tactics seems to not really be working anymore,I tried most tactics posted here (both my running a few months ingame or on vacation) and I usually end up around the 12-15th position (last attempt with geordiebird's tactics I'm 14th with 17 goals allowed in 7 matches...) in the table,when my board expects me to have a middle/top half finish (media prediction is 6th place). I've been really frustrated by this,it's usually either my players not scoring,despite having lots of shots on target and cccs,or leaking goals from everywhere (even with "proven" tactics posted here...and,due to my shortcoming,I ofc have no idea how to act to at least get back to the decent results I had in the past.

So,what I'm asking is...has FM really changed so much that if you just want a simple tactic to have the time to build your team while having decent results you can't do it anymore? (unless you're tactically adept enough to tweak it every match?) Cause if so I guess I'll have to pass for now,while I wait for a patch ,I do not want to manage big teams and win every game,it just does not appeal to me.

PS During the Beta,since Udinese was marred by the 2 years old long injury of Muriel (which I had to correct via editor even in the full game), I tried to fool around with New York and Sidney Fc with markedly better results,probably because they can be considered "top teams" in their own league...does this just mean that Udinese hasnt the players to actually compete? If so I'd be happy to have squad building seasons if only the league objectives were not set so high by the board...

Thank you in advance for reading me.

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Never give up, never give in. Or never give up giving up. No, that doesn't make sense, never mind :)

Firstly, I don't really know about Udinese or their relative strength but if you're losing your best players and not replacing things are always going to be tough no matter who you are (trying asking Arsenal fans - how they are still considered contenders for a top team is testament to how good Wenger is despite all the flack he is getting).

If you're not too good tactically you have to be good at selecting a team and motivation. This isn't a problem - Keegan is rubbish tactically but did a decent job at times, Ferguson is hardly a tactical genius but he's immense in the other areas (and usually matches himself with incredibly tactically astute staff). However, if you haven't got a great team then it doesn't matter how good you are at selecting the right team, you only have so many options. If you're struggling tactically that leaves you with only motivation as your tool and that will only get you so far.

So, if you're going Udinese, either improve tactically or get in better players. If you want to bring through youth then you can't really do the 2nd as youth will, at the moment, be inherently worse than developed talent. So, improve tactically or choose a different team that is maybe more forgiving on some tactical errors you might make while trying things out.

Tweaking most matches is useful I'll admit but it isn't that hard, just watch the games (even on Extended you'll get a good feel) and make decisions based on what you see. The opposition tightly packed and you can't pass through? Then make the pitch bigger by playing wider and possibly deeper, you might want to increase through balls or passing length to compensate (but maybe not). Opposition getting time on the ball? Up the closing down, possibly make the pitch smaller by playing higher/narrower. Getting beaten over the top? Possibly play deeper or put more pressure on the passer. etc etc.

Watch, make decisions, watch and assess, make decisions again. Simple.

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Furiousuk,just to add due to your answer,the other problem is that I can't even bring up anyone else,the transfer budget is just 4 millions...after losing all those stars it sadly is not enough to replace even one of them,considering the prices.

I did select my best players for the positions,using the position filters in the match screen...it's not hard even because I don't have that many players,and most pep talks end with at least some players motivated (green).

I guess my complete lack of tactical knowledge,coupled with how bad the team was butchered,is really kicking my back.

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I'm with furious tho, never ever give up, I just had a quick look at Udinese, and if you ask their assistant at the start, of your top 11 players, 6 are defenders and one is an anchor man. Likely means you'll either need to get in better players, or go with something like a 5-3-2 or a 5-4-1, Armero and Basta look like your main wing backs, and your best bet may be to try and set up with 3 DC's those two as the wing backs pushing forward and then trying to get the ball to Di Natale and just trusting him to get the job done (I mean, he's managed to get the job done for how long now in RL?). That's just a quick 5 minute look from someone who's rather tactically inept, but it gives you a starting point I guess :)

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Seule's advice sounds great and should help create some stability. It might not sound that exciting but when you think that many Brazilian teams in days gone past had loads of deep in the formation screen (they tended to all move forward as a unit but on the team screen you'd see loads of defenders and DM's) it can be a highly exciting way to play.

Whilst I normally say shoot for the stars and aim as high as possible I think you do need to be realistic too. Your aim should be to become stable and stop having to sell your stars. This will probably mean that you'll take a pasting at some point in the season but don't worry about it - so long as you are getting to a place where you can start bringing in better players, or developing the talent you have then you'll be doing a good job, even if you only finish mid-table.

If you bring in 3 youngsters who are not up to it at the moment and you lose a few games but those guys are learning then next year they will be better and they'll still be cheaper than buying in developed talent. So long as you don't get the sack patience is the only way. Hopefully the board will realise that you need patience and give it to you, unfortunately, many real-life managers have found out that this is not always the case.

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Ok,so I tried to go back to my 4-4-2 llm,I tweaked a bit the CDefenders passing,to short,since their passing skill is around 10,and did the same for the poacher,putting passes to short and making him cross rarely.

The attack seems to have somewhat improved but the defence still has some gaping holes,both on crosses and expecially on their positioning with balls coming through,several times the opposition forwards either run through my line without being tackled or just speed by my defenders who do nothing while being at their side.

See my two heaviest defeats highlits from the pkms.



Thank you in advance.

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Am uploading another pkm,here I managed to beat Napoli but got one goal where Zuniga walks between three players,without being touched,and scores.

Here both my MR and DR close down (too late,I add) the one who crosses while my DM runs in the middle of the area,lately joined by a DC,without really managing or trying to get him.


I'd happily hear to any advice whether it's something in my tactics or ME hiccups,thanks :)

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