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Turning possesion in to clear cut chances - HELP

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I'm currently playing a save with Manchester United where in most matches i have the lions share of possesion and shots on goal, however i'm not happy with the quality of chances my team creates. Being Manchester United i am expected to challenge for trophies every season whilst playing free flowing attacking football. Below are screenshots of my formation, team instructions and the analysis of a match which i think opitimizes the issue that i am having. Any feedback will greatly be appreciated, thanks in advance!

My Formation with player roles and duties and team Instructuions:


I haven't changed any individual player intructions, leaving them on default.

My Previous match against Tottenham Hotspurs:

Match Stats-


Player ratings-


Shots analysis-


Scoring chances analysis-


Match action zones-


I hope i've given enough details about my tactical setup and how it operates, however if more info is needed i'll be happy to upload.



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With the Tottenham game it just looks like bad luck, you created more clear cut chances than them, just you're attackers didn't put them away.

On to the tactic though and from a quick glance there's only one player on a 'support' role, which basically means, there is hardly any interchange between player's it's like having 2 teams, one who is attacking and one who is defending.

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Thanks guys, shouts that i mainly use in game are:

'Push Higher Up'

'Work Ball into Box'

'Play out of Defence'

Especially if i need a goal. If i want to close a game out i use:

'Pass to feet'

'Retain Possession'

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The one thing I have learnt in the last 24 hrs after someone in/famous :) in the forums 'lent' me their tactic was that if you have to many players attacking with forward runs into the box, you will have an issue with space.

By the looks of your tactic (im on small screen currently so cant really see), it looks like, unless you counter attack, you could end up with 4/5 players in the box at the same time, add to this the defenders, which is likely to be 5/6 plus a keeper, and that gives you 12 worse case scenario and 10 best case..... that's a lotta players......

Ease up on some of the attacking roles and in particular the forward runs. With a mixed setting they will still get forward and if you have good team work in your players then they iwll also support each other better and someone will cover whilst another attacks.

If you pull your players out of the box, you also pull the defence out of the box too.....

More than ever, this game now appears to be about space and the use of it......... I'd highlight suggest you read through Cleons old thread 'SI sports Centre'... damned long read, but damned good too....... also, Mechanizing play is all about using space.



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