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Comments from Assistant Manager during the game via bubbles

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I really like this feature. However, some of the comments he is making, I set during the pregame. One general comment he makes is that "Joe Bagodonuts is an excellent crosser of the ball and we should close him down". Well, I set that parameter prior to the game. It's not as if I can run on the field and tell Joe Bagodonuts' opposite number to close him down or chain an anvil to him. I can't see why he would make a statement about something we can't do anything about during the game. I set the parameter, if our player isn't doing his part, there's not much we can do until the game is over and tell him, he wasn't good enough defensively. There are a couple of more the Ass't man comes up, but the one above is really unnecessary.

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I practically always ignore the Assistant.

"We are getting over run in midfield"

Yes we are playing 4-4-2 against 4-5-1 that's why, ok well lets go 4-5-1 then.

Two minutes later.

"Our forwards are getting outnumbered by their defenders"

Well yes he is you muppet because you told me we were getting overrun in midfield so we now only one up top!!


"We should try a short passing style of play"


5 mins after the change

"We should try a direct passing style of play"


5 mins after that change

"We should try a short passing style of play"

After the game when we have beaten Man United 3-0 away...

"There is nothing we should say about that".

All the above are why I always ignore him!! ;-)

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Sort of related, I remember watching a game last season I think, and Everton basically had Rodwell chase Silva around the park. Thats all he did was mark David Silva, and he did a pretty good job of it too.

So, is there any way, and if not, could there be any way of telling certain players to mark singular players?

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we are getting overrun in midfield. well yes i'm playing 4-2-2-2 ffs :p

Paul scholes has been giving the ball away often - dont be stupid it Scholes :p

x player has been great in the air for them today.... i'm winning 5-0 without any wingers by playing along the floor, makes no differance.

had best of the lot last night, Vidic has been missing too many of his chances.

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Sort of related, I remember watching a game last season I think, and Everton basically had Rodwell chase Silva around the park. Thats all he did was mark David Silva, and he did a pretty good job of it too.

So, is there any way, and if not, could there be any way of telling certain players to mark singular players?

You've been able to do this for around 4/5 versions of the game.

In the player settings, on the left, about half way down, there is some boxes for marking and tight marking. If you use these DURING OR IN PRE-MATCH you can then pick out a specific man in the marking box.

Be warned..... this, as you hav indicated, drag your player WAY out of position..... even when you don't want it too.........

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i practically always ignore the assistant.

"we are getting over run in midfield"

yes we are playing 4-4-2 against 4-5-1 that's why, ok well lets go 4-5-1 then.

Two minutes later.

"our forwards are getting outnumbered by their defenders"

well yes he is you muppet because you told me we were getting overrun in midfield so we now only one up top!!


"we should try a short passing style of play"


5 mins after the change

"we should try a direct passing style of play"


5 mins after that change

"we should try a short passing style of play"

after the game when we have beaten man united 3-0 away...

"there is nothing we should say about that".

All the above are why i always ignore him!! ;-)

lol ............
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You've been able to do this for around 4/5 versions of the game.

In the player settings, on the left, about half way down, there is some boxes for marking and tight marking. If you use these DURING OR IN PRE-MATCH you can then pick out a specific man in the marking box.

Be warned..... this, as you hav indicated, drag your player WAY out of position..... even when you don't want it too.........

Because the foxy AI will notice that and using other players to attack the open space left by your marker and your defensive player not bright enough to cover the open space, or maybe you have to tweak the tactics to tell someone to mark the other attacker too. It's too bothering.
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Sort of related, I remember watching a game last season I think, and Everton basically had Rodwell chase Silva around the park. Thats all he did was mark David Silva, and he did a pretty good job of it too.

So, is there any way, and if not, could there be any way of telling certain players to mark singular players?

I've done that in real life before. It's sacrificing a player to shut down the other teams best player meaning that their playmaker struggles to get into the game.

And Yes you click on the arrow next to make substitution then click set player marking

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I always like it when he says as his half time team talk recommendation something along the lines of "nothing to say right now, let send the lads back out there with clear minds". I always imagine me and him sitting aorund having a cup of tea whilst the teams stares blankly at the walls for 15 minutes.

I generally don't play too much attention to him, when he says "x player is a really good crosser/passer/creator/shooter etc", I'll double check and usually they will be marked and closed down and shown onto their weaker foot so there isn't much more you can do apart from change the player makring him. Only one I pay reference to is the passing thing, sometimes I will change to direct for a little bit when he says especially in not great weather.

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I practically always ignore the Assistant.

"We are getting over run in midfield"

Yes we are playing 4-4-2 against 4-5-1 that's why, ok well lets go 4-5-1 then.

Two minutes later.

"Our forwards are getting outnumbered by their defenders"

Well yes he is you muppet because you told me we were getting overrun in midfield so we now only one up top!!


"We should try a short passing style of play"


5 mins after the change

"We should try a direct passing style of play"


5 mins after that change

"We should try a short passing style of play"

After the game when we have beaten Man United 3-0 away...

"There is nothing we should say about that".

All the above are why I always ignore him!! ;-)

I get these ones all the time too, the only time I listen to him is when a player is playing well or he says one of them is knackered

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Just has on where I had a DC sent off after about 20 mins- I was away from home so took off one of the strikers to bring on a sub DC and dropped the strategy back to counter. 5 mins later " our attackers are being outnumbered by their defence"-- err hello?:D

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  • 1 month later...

Well I decided that my assistant manager could be responsible for match-training, so each week whatever we're doing is entirely down to him. Then during the game he tells me we should be focusing on defending set pieces or attacking set pieces etc. Whilst it is some fantastic insight, could he not have had it 6 days ago and set it himself before the game, rather than doing whatever it was he did and then telling me he should have done something else.

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None of the bubbles make sense, like advice in staff meetings as well. Don't tell me I need to concentrate on defending set pieces when I'm 4-0 up and not seen one set piece against me for the whole game or tell me my AM© with a 9.00 for the game with 2 assists is misplacing too many passes. Or if you do tell me, at least explain what they mean because I'm not seeing it.

It's a shame, a feature that could add something but actually just ends up confusing the unaware that the Ass Man talks complete crap to you.

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