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What is the point of the individual team talks??

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Every time I use them the player just gets confused, It's so frustrating.

I've tried this every way around I can think of and there is no way of doing it right it's so irritating.

What I want to do is tell everyone except 2 players that they are really not playing up to standard but the other 2 that they are very good. If I tell the whole team that they need to be better then single out the other two as good they get confused, if I tell them all that they are good then tell all but the 2 they are bad all the others get confused and finally if I say nothing to say to all then tell them what I really want everyone gets confused.

It's really frustrating because it really shouldn't be confusing at all. Being able to shout at them all then say to a couple of them "but you're doing really well" should be a standard go to dressing room response you would have thought. It's really ruined several of my matches.

Any suggestions?

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Even more annoying that the individual options don't appear until you've chosen a general theme. I've lost count of the times my star is annoyed because he's carrying the team but I have to tell them all they suck before I can tell him he's doing well.

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It's implemented very very poorly. The only times I use it is to give more praise to a great performance or when players react badly to a team talk to try and reverse it, but this very rarely works.

The reversal (albeit intended) is completely impossible at the moment, it just ends in confusion.

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Even more annoying that the individual options don't appear until you've chosen a general theme. I've lost count of the times my star is annoyed because he's carrying the team but I have to tell them all they suck before I can tell him he's doing well.

At least I now know I'm not being an idiot, this is an actual issue then?

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Another thing I find annoying is "I have faith in you" pretty much always gets "Looked happy" and sometimes "Seems motivated" but saying "I expect a performance" gets almost nothing.

Newcastle (top 4 team in my game) and I tell them I expect a performance - nothing, no reaction.

So sometimes three times a week I tell my team I have faith in them. Needs a fix.

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I use them all the time and rarely get a negative response. If morale is very good or above, plus last five game rating above 7.1 i use assertive and expect a performance or expect more of the same.

Morale good or below, i use calm and i have faith in you.

If they have played bad i normally just use the team only talk and use assertive and tell them they were poor and maybe give the odd player talk if they are young so it doesn't affect morale to much.

Some of the bigger stars, I'm playing as Liverpool so Suarez and Gerrard you sometimes don't get a response from but I've worked Suarez out now and get a response on most occasions.

I find the team and player talks pretty important especially if you need to get out of a losing run.

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I use them all the time and rarely get a negative response. If morale is very good or above, plus last five game rating above 7.1 i use assertive and expect a performance or expect more of the same.

Morale good or below, i use calm and i have faith in you.

If they have played bad i normally just use the team only talk and use assertive and tell them they were poor and maybe give the odd player talk if they are young so it doesn't affect morale to much.

Some of the bigger stars, I'm playing as Liverpool so Suarez and Gerrard you sometimes don't get a response from but I've worked Suarez out now and get a response on most occasions.

I find the team and player talks pretty important especially if you need to get out of a losing run.

Sure, that's fine. But not what I have a problem with.

There seems to be no capacity for telling everyone that they are playing badly except for one or two whom you want to praise emphatically. It's something I very commonly want to do and there is just no way to do it without confusing players and getting complacency, and there really is no need for that.

I've had plenty of terrible games where one player has a 7. something and the rest 6 or lower and the 7 something would be quite rightly peed off at being told off. I'm sure this must be quite a standard real world team talk as well.

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definitely you should be able to give a team talk, then an individual talk, and have that player understand you were not talking about him before when you said the perfomance was bad. It's a simple thing, and replicates what is done in real life.

They really need to improve this in future patches.


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Could fix it by simply adding boxes to tick before giving a team talk, so that it applies only to those players. Also, the whole separate talks for defenders, midfielders etc is too limited as I may have wingbacks that attack and midfielders that defend.

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Could fix it by simply adding boxes to tick before giving a team talk, so that it applies only to those players. Also, the whole separate talks for defenders, midfielders etc is too limited as I may have wingbacks that attack and midfielders that defend.

Excellent idea. I think so long as the individual worked properly the positional talks could be done away with, I too have the crossovers that confuse things.

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Sure, that's fine. But not what I have a problem with.

There seems to be no capacity for telling everyone that they are playing badly except for one or two whom you want to praise emphatically. It's something I very commonly want to do and there is just no way to do it without confusing players and getting complacency, and there really is no need for that.

I've had plenty of terrible games where one player has a 7. something and the rest 6 or lower and the 7 something would be quite rightly peed off at being told off. I'm sure this must be quite a standard real world team talk as well.

I think you can sort of do what you want to do. I have given the full team talk and said they were poor only for one player to be annoyed, he scored 2 goals, but then when i did a individual talk with him and said i was pleased he changed to being happy.

This though then changed the mood of a couple of other players (going from green to red response) so i had to say something to them as well to change their response to a positive one.

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You win as a team, you lose as a team, not induviduals. Even if one player is playing well but my team is losing i hammer the team, i dont care about an induvidual moaning because he thinks he has played well enough. Im pretty sure SAF doesnt go mental at his team when they are losing at half time, but then puts his arm around Rooney and tells him its not his fault.

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You win as a team, you lose as a team, not induviduals. Even if one player is playing well but my team is losing i hammer the team, i dont care about an induvidual moaning because he thinks he has played well enough. Im pretty sure SAF doesnt go mental at his team when they are losing at half time, but then puts his arm around Rooney and tells him its not his fault.

true but sometimes it should be possible! when your striker scores 3 goals but your defence is crap and u conceive 4 then it's not fair to blame him too!

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true but sometimes it should be possible! when your striker scores 3 goals but your defence is crap and u conceive 4 then it's not fair to blame him too!

I'm not sure the dressing room is the appropriate place for this to be happening.

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Can you skip the general team talk and give them all individual talks?

I don't know because I always leave to the assistant.

No. Individual talks are greyed out before you give an overall TT. You can tell them something along the lines of 'I have nothing specific to say' but that is not neutral and can cause a negative reaction.

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I just think since they are individual talks and since they after the team talks i've always seen this as after the team talks whoever u dont wanna talk with individually should already be out the locker room. If i was a managed and i wanted to tell my player that's he's being crap i wouldn't do it in front of the whole team, that should be the point of individual talks, so imo the fact that individual talks affect other players is just plain stupid.

I mean of course you are not gonna say "hey guys u all doing well" and then in front of everyone say "but u... u r playing like crap!" of course this would leave the team a bit ockward and unfocused and the player in question without any confidence.

Individual talks imo should be private as after the other players you don't need to talk with leave the locker room, i see managers staying behind with one or 2 players all the time to give some other instructions.

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You win as a team, you lose as a team, not induviduals. Even if one player is playing well but my team is losing i hammer the team, i dont care about an induvidual moaning because he thinks he has played well enough. Im pretty sure SAF doesnt go mental at his team when they are losing at half time, but then puts his arm around Rooney and tells him its not his fault.

Completely agree with this. I always say "let them be angry" to the TV when I warn against complacency or I am displeased with a team performance at half-time, and some of the players becomes angry. Never had a bad reaction from those players either in or after the match after such a team-talk. The anger dissipates after 5-10 minutes.

However, I do agree that it is silly that in the post-match team talk some players become unhappy because -they- played well while the rest were awful. The "win as a team lose as a team" thingy should count for the players too. If you lose 2-5 and the two players who scored become unhappy when the manager is disappointed with them, and confused when you try to fix the problem by telling them that "well, okay, you did your job", then something isn't right. You shouldn't have to do the latter.

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What if I want to give a team talk and use a player that has been outstanding as an example for the others to look at, how hard he's working while they aren't, for example a goalkeeper who has been outstanding but I want to rip my defenders or the rest of the team for allowing so many shots on goal in the first place.

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Defending starts from the strikers :)

Any great player will tell you that you win as a team, i speak to my team, not individuals. If i want to praise individuals i do this in private.

not if u play a trequartista!

and managers do talk to individual players: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/A4ZRzwDCUAAlTMH.jpg ( i don't think he's done it in privat at half time but if he did maybe we should be able to do it in fm)

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