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News Items in Created Skins


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I love Tom's skin, and a couple of the others, including the FMC skin for classic, but there are a couple of things I'd like to see.

1st) I love the way the news items appear in FMC. Is there a way to get the news stories interface into another skin? Is anyone messing with it?

2nd) There are a couple of news graphics which don't appear on Tom's skin or others, but are including in the FMC skin which comes with the game. Whereas in Tom's skin, and others, news items now appear with the stadium backgrounds, in FMC there are other generic images for other news items, like the floodlights image which appears with a media story, the goalposts image which appears for an international story, or the one which appears for an award etc. Is it possible to have these appear on the news feed? Right now a lot of news stories appear as just logos on a blank background, and it looks odd when most of the other stories on the ticker are colourful.

These are small matters, but I'd love to know if anyone out there knows how to do it, or if some of the mods can point us in the right direction.

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