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Editor Help, adding entering teams to new tournament.


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Hey Guys,

I am currently editing into the game a new tournament, the concept of an Adriatic League similar to what the former Yugoslavian republic basketball teams compete in now.

I want it to run along side all the normal leagues and european competitions, the idea is to make the prize money generous to keep the clubs in this region competitive and over time raise its profile.

16 Teams (3 from Serbia, 3 from Croatia, 3 from Bosnia, 3 from Slovenia, 2 from Macedonia, 2 from Montenegro)

The problem I have come across is one of the editor screens, im not quite sure how it works...

The 'Teams' screen from 'Continent Rules -Europe'


Im not sure how this screen works, on the previous screen i chose the 6 countries, but now i want to add 16 clubs - the top (3 from Serbia, 3 from Croatia, 3 from Bosnia, 3 from Slovenia, 2 from Macedonia, 2 from Montenegro)

Any help and advice on what im trying to do much appreciated, I'll give everyone a copy with graphics when im finished...

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You have to add 6 such rows one for every nation.

Number = number of teams from that division

First/last nation = number of the nation you did set (if Serbia is 1 than you have to set 1 and 1, if Croatia is 2 = 2 and 2)

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Can also be done with just two rows since the First Nation, Last Nation is for grouping the entries.

On the Nations screen take note of the order the nations are listed. Since you have a weighted team entry, you might want to order them like you have listed in your post (Serbia on top, Croatia, Bosnia, Slovenia, Macedonia and Montenegro last). Serbia would be nation 1 and Mont. would be nation 6.

In the Teams screen add 2 rows.

Row 1: Number = 3 Nation First = 1 Last = 4 (Take three teams from nations 1 through 4 for a total of 12 teams)

Row 2: Number = 2 Nation Fist = 5 Last = 6 (Take two teams from nations 5 and 6 for 4 teams)

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