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Help with managing big teams!!!!!!!

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Anyone else having problems managing big teams (ie - Chelsea). I have started three games in the last few months, Tottenham, Newcastle and Chelsea, I won the league with Tottenham in my first season, finished third with Newcastle in first season and got sacked by Chelsea in December of first season. I'm wondering if I'm not a manager for the superstars as I just don't seem to get the best out of em. Anyone else have this problem or know/can help with where I might be going wrong?

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Have a look around some of the threads and you'll see loads of people are having success with big teams. You might be better looking through the team guides in the Good Player and team section of the forums, especially for the teams you've mentioned. Then you'll see how others have been managing those teams.

If you want actual tactical help then read this and create a new thread :)Asking For Help - PLEASE READ THIS

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