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Player stats not reflecting player performance?

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Please bare with me if this is somewhat of a, 'newbie' question. This is my first ever Football manager so I'm still working things out!

So far, after having 5 absolute dire saves, I'm now half way into my third season with Napoli and I must say I am absolutely dominating. (It's the team, not me. All I change is the squad; tactics stay the same!) I do, however, have two questions that I hope you could answer.

1) In my second season I bought Marc Der Stegern (spelling, sorry at work!) as de Sanctis (spelling again) decided he wanted to retire. He is now 5 star and has numerous clean sheets. However, his communication is at 19 but still, after a year and a half he still only knows German. Regularly I get the message saying the language barrier is preventing Stegern from playing well during the game. Is there anyway of speeding this up? I bought in a 16 year old Striker and after a couple of months he has already learnt basic Italian.

2) I don't remember exactly when, I think half way into my first season as Napoli, my DoF purchased Pedro Paulo (he's now 20 years old with a 4.5 star potential) I never really played him until this season. The reason I've decided to play him now is because he is absolutely unstoppable. Alongside Cavani, they regularly set each other up every game, with both scoring all the time. Even when Cavani isn't there, Pedro will regularly tear up the oppositions defence and score multiple goals. What I don't understand is that Pedro is rated as 2 stars, and his stats are below-average at best. His 'best' skills are in speed, yet he often takes the ball wide and crosses in fantastic balls, with only crossing of 13. He'll happily take players on with dribbling of 11 and will more often then not beat a keeper 1-on-1 with 14 as finishing. His mental stats are pretty average, all sub-14 yet this guy is a force to be reckoned with! (easily the top goal scorer of Serie A. He just won the world golden boy award aswell) After showering his praise, I was hoping someone could tell me if it's common that someone with average stats can play amazing (form, team cohesion etc). Maybe this is his 'peak' and after this/next season he'll detoriate?

Apologies for the essay. Got carried away!


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1 - Communication has nothing to do with language its to do with communication to the defenders. It's hidden attributes like Adaptabilty that would help with learning languages but it may be that he just doesn't want to learn another language. Tevez has been playing in England for a few years and I'm sure that he hardly knows any English,

2 - You have to bear in mind that the attributes combine, so when Pailo is crossing it is not just his Crossing attribute that is used. His Technique, Creativity, Anticipation, Composue and Decisions are all used to determine how good his cross is. When dribbling Technique, Creativity, Composure, Anticipation, Decisions, Flair, Acceleration, Pace, Agility and Balance are used.

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Regarding your first point, I'm pretty sure that communication has nothing to do with learning a new language. It is an attribute which relates to how well the keeper communicates on the pitch, in "football" language, if that makes sense. Calling for the ball, telling players when to push up, when there is a free man etc. Of course, if he doesn't speak the language, it makes it more difficult for him :D

How fast he picks up the language has to do with a hidden stat. Perhaps adaptability, I'm not sure.

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I sometimes notice players perofrming well above their attributed ability. Usually when they do i think it must be flair or form. I currently have a player that has no stats even for my league he is bad and im playing in Indonsia lower league and yet he consistantly performs over the past 2 seasons. He was my top assist(er) last season with crossing 5 passing 3 technique 5, decisions are poor as well. His only redeeming stat is pace 11 which is not outstanding as most wingers have at least this in my league.

I dont really care why he is doing well only that he is and as long as his performances remain good he will stay in thefirst team regardless of attributes.

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Thank you for the responses.

Can it be the case that their adaptability is so low that it would take many, many years before they even learnt the basic language?

I'll just have to hope Pedro keeps playing how he is. I intend on leaving Napoli after my contract (4 years) so I can see whether I was juts lucky with Napoli :)


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