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Meet the midfielder prospect

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I have this talent arriving from Boca Juniors in the upcoming summer window. I spotted him at 15, and signed him on a pre contract at 16, so it has been a long wait, but now he is only months away:


How would you guys train him? Obviously I would need to tutor him by someone with a bit higher Determination. Would someone that has Det:15 be ok?

What areas would you focus on first?

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I have this talent arriving from Boca Juniors in the upcoming summer window. I spotted him at 15, and signed him on a pre contract at 16, so it has been a long wait, but now he is only months away:


How would you guys train him? Obviously I would need to tutor him by someone with a bit higher Determination. Would someone that has Det:15 be ok?

What areas would you focus on first?

I would give him heavy composure training for a while (raise it to 12 minimum) then either concentrate on passing (up to 16 minimum) or just put him on trequartista

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Well how to train him depends on how you're going to be using him and in what kind of system.

It would be a dream come true if he could have higher attributes for anticipation, creativity and decisions - or if that could be trained. But I guess not. Currently I am playing a system with 2 CMs (where he could be the one with the least defensive obligations) and one AMC (but for this, I would assume more creativity is expected).

Just looking as his stats right now, SC would actually be his best position, but I would have to retrain him totally for that...

What do you think about that?

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Why do you think those skills can't be trained?

Flitting and floating between training him in Treq and Advanced Playmaker will focus on all the skills this boy needs to play in midfield or attack. BUT like Cleon said, where do you want him playing AND how do you want him playing?

All well and good saying in MC or AMC, but do you want him sitting still pinging balls around, driving forward with the ball at his feet, running into the box to smash crosses in etc etc

If you're not sure what skills are required for which style of play, just post the style here and I'm sure people can help.

Unless you plan on playing him a somewhat selfish way, you might want to work on his teamwork (train APM). If you're relying on him playing others in, he'll need decent team work. If you want him to be teh centre peice of your team driving into the box from a headed down pass from your FC and then smashing the ball into the net, then I wouldn't worry to much about the team work.

If you go to the training screen and ensure the attributes tab is ticked (above the skill list), on the right you'll see a button marked "area", click that and then there are a list of roles available for his position, if you choose one, it will show you what skills are generally required for that role.

Of course, this doesn't meant that if its not highlighted it's not needed. And your player will still continue to learn other skills relative to his familiarity of positions he can play.

Personally, I think his composure is a little low for a striker, unless you are playing him deep and expecting him to play others in rather than being the prime source of goals. Though, that can be worked on.

If it were me, I'd flit between APM and Treq every two months or so and just throw him into games wherever you need him. I wouldn't worry about being specific to where he plays. The two roles above will give him most of what is needed and then it's just about playing time.

Ideally you need to decide on where he should play fairly soon. This way you can maximise tutoring.

It's not such a bad thing that his determination is a little low as this will enable you to use tutors that have great PPM's for him, but have a lower determination themselves. If you have someone that has a PPM you want him to have, tutor him with them first and THEN use the chap with higher determination. At least that is the way I do it. Generally if you training someone with a tutor that has lower determination than them, then their own determination will drop.

I've just had my key youngsters drop a whole point of determination in two week after being train by a massive striker who had a determination of 15, which was just one point behind my youngster. I thought this might happen, but the striker had some nice PPM's.

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Why do you think those skills can't be trained?

Because it doesn´t appear in the Focus > Specific Attributes. But yeah, of course you are right, you can train at as a part of a ROLE. My Bad.

And thanks for all the help. The thing is actually I am a little bit unsure about as what/how I want him playing. With his composure at 7, how much can I expect it to raise - if trained - in, lets say, 3 years?

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Because it doesn´t appear in the Focus > Specific Attributes. But yeah, of course you are right, you can train at as a part of a ROLE. My Bad.

And thanks for all the help. The thing is actually I am a little bit unsure about as what/how I want him playing. With his composure at 7, how much can I expect it to raise - if trained - in, lets say, 3 years?

It can change a lot, I've seen players go from 5 to 13 in 4 seasons with focus on heavy.

I'd have a think about the role he'll be playing for you and then decide how to train him up because depending on his role and what you expect, he'll need different attributes.

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His composure is a big weakness in my opinion, I like my central midfielders and playmakers to be high in that category.

He looks a world beater when it come to dribbling and beating opponents, inside forward might be a good position for him.

I thought Inside Forward as soon as I saw him but to be honest, he's young enough with enough scope to play a number of positions successfully

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Might be slightly off topic so apolgies for hijack... But there is a HUGE amount of talent like this in the Argentine and Brazilian DB. 7 of my first team are U21 from Brazil... (im playing as Dag & Red). I know there is a lot of talent out there in SA but nothing like the DB suggets Id say

On topic Ive got a similar kiddie from Brazil (granted he is less tech but more mental) and play him as ADV PM in MC postion, he is being a beast. Most recently he is is avg over 8 and has 7 assists and 3 goals in 4 games. Like yours his best role is AM but seems to run riot in the MC role. Picks the ball up from the centre and bombs forward like an ox :D (low TTB but all RWB and RFD!)

Food for thought..



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