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Coach Vs Scout report.

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So I was just wondering what are the more accurate reports, I sold off some of the older squad members so I was in need of some depth so I have signed in a few youngsters this year that my scout only rated at 2-3 stars but I figured they where cheep and they will only be 3rd or 4th choice and reserve players plus I like there balance of attributes, but now when I got them in they are 4.5-5 star potential, so which report is more accurate, obviously I know star ratings can change but I had one player change from a 2 star up to the full 5, Coaches have more time to look at the player but lower judging player ability and judging player potential while the scouts have less time but generally much higher judging player ability and judging player potential and their sole purpose is to Judge players.

Now I always take both reports with a pinch of salt due to they way things can change but Just wondering which is the more accurate, I do find my self taking the coach/assistant report stars as true and if this is so, how did my scouts get it so wrong with there 2 star estimate and can you get more accurate reports in by the scouts. FYI I am Tottenham and pretty sure all my scouts are at least 18/18 in JPA and JPP

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Did you scout the young players before getting rid of the older players? As you mentioned, the star ratings do change, depending on the quality of your squad. If your sides overall quality has reduced then that might explain the difference in the reports.

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