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Pay part of players wage

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From time to time when selling a player, I am asked to pay a part of a players wage until his contract at my club would have ran out.

Is it possible to ask a selling club the same question? I have the opportunity to get van Persie here now, very cheap, but he is asking for two times my max wage...

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This has not happened for me yet in fm 13 but in fm12 it was the player who made the request for you to top his wages up to sell him and this was usually when you were selling to a lower rep club offering less wages. It wasnt something that the club could do.

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i always thought it was a deal between the player and the current club.

so if your buying a player from the other club, the player would accept your 50k wage offer(even though they originally asked for 70k) and ask his current club for another 20k.

I wouldn't have thought the buying club would be informed of any such deal between the player and the current club, would they?

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It definitely does happen both ways, it is just when you are buying a player, and his former club pay part of his wages, you aren't told about it. It does show up on either the clauses or his contract screen though. I was moaning about this a year ago, someone said to check my team and I actually had 3 players still being paid partly by their former club. I little news item would go a long way in this case.

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Thanx for the feedback on this. I agree with you CWR15, a news thingy about this would be nice.

I dont know how this actually works IRL, but I am thinking that it would be nice to be able to encourage the player you are trying to sign to ask his club to partially pay his wage.

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