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Tactical notes for FM13, how I set up my defenders. FM13.1.3

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Been playing FM13 for a while now. Have made some conclusion that I would like to hear your thoughts about.

My prefered formations are 4-4-2 and 4-1-2-1-2 (narrow diamond)

4-4-2 leaks goals the diamond have a bit less with the DMC. Why is this:

* Fullbacks can't handle AML/AMR. ME problem? So wingback is prefered, almost a must use.

* Two DC are often out of position chasing AML/AMR or AMC player.

The way of FM13 right now seem to be three DC flanked by WBL/WBR position. Tested a few clubs and this seem really solid.

Have anyone else noticed this? I am a bit frustrated since I can't get 4-4-2 to work well.

Side notes is that team talk seem completely bugged. No mather what you say you will get as many red players as green if there is any reaction at all. The best way seem to be skipping talks.

There are way to many injuries, own goals an penalties.

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The reason the 442 is prone to leak goals is because it is weak in mifield with only two MC, whilst other setups give you another AMC or DM.

Also, with marauding full/wingbacks your DC's are provided no support.


Nothing you list as bugged is bugged. Read some posts and learn how to deal with each thing you think is bugged.

And a word of advice, if you want people to help you, post more information AND don't start talking about bugs in your first post. I just bugs people.......:thdn:

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Thanks for opening up the discussion Lam.

I do not see 4-4-2 as weak in midfield, the formation itself cover as much ground as possible allowing parts of the squad to help where needed, thus not really weak anywhere but not overpowered anywhere neighter.

The marauding wingbacks are no problem in wingback position they help och DC, but when put in fullback position they do not. This is the problem.

And I did search for the bugs, forum members also seem to classify them as such, since you have found other posts links would be helpful.

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I do not see 4-4-2 as weak in midfield, the formation itself cover as much ground as possible allowing parts of the squad to help where needed

True, generally, but the problem is that many (if not most) of teams you run into, especially at the higher levels, will play an AMC or a DMC or both, and overload the midfield on you. If your wingers are bombing upfield they provide no help. The 4-1-2-1-2 that you use (and I do as well) works better because you have to DM holding position to deal with this issue. It might be more stable if you keep one of your wide men as a WM, but I am not positive as I haven't used the 4-4-2 much lately.

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