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FM 13 Injuries

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I can't believe it is a bug, so I must be doing something wrong and need some advise.

Every match I am getting one player injured, usually at the start of the match, a player will get a quick knock, and then shortly after become injured. I've set my team up for easy tackling and all my physios,minus one are at least 18s.

What am I doing wrong?

My training facilities are top notch, I'm not setting up anything strenuous as far as training, ie. fitness during the week, the players get a rest before and after matches and I've got plenty of physios.

Am I missing something or is it just dumb luck?

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Too little can be as bad as too much.

Easy tackling, rests before & after matches, easy training can make players weak.

I would certainly lose the easy tackling and stick to the default level for their position/role. Also make sure they are being tested in training, they should all be on at least a medium level of training. Aside for that other factors could be:

A) Are some players injury prone?

B) Are some players being targeted by the opposition?

C) Are they match fit?

D) Luck

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On one game I had I listened to much to what my backroom staff was saying about training and ended up with a lot of injuries instead. I stopped paying attention to what the backroom staff was saying about training for players and the problem stopped for me. And it must be said that there are those crazy seasons when you do get a lot of injuries, it happens IRL too.

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I had three 2-3month injuries on the same day after a match. All muscle injuries. All new signings.

It's definitely a bug and these mugs need to stop acting as if the game is playable. Maybe to some 12yo who likes signing 20players but I'm trying to build my youth and any time I try this I get injuries to my best players rendering my team useless. I have screen shots to prove it if anyone wants to see....

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I had three 2-3month injuries on the same day after a match. All muscle injuries. All new signings.

It's definitely a bug and these mugs need to stop acting as if the game is playable. Maybe to some 12yo who likes signing 20players but I'm trying to build my youth and any time I try this I get injuries to my best players rendering my team useless. I have screen shots to prove it if anyone wants to see....

Doesn't it baffle you that the AI team almost never gets any cards as well?

Seriously, if their coach sets their instructions on "kill their legs on sight", you'd expect them to be punished for it.

Edit: Just after replying to this thread, 3/3 of my forwards get injured. 2 of them for 3 months, the other 1 for 2. Nice,so realistic... -_-

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I do listen to what my coaches advise for training, I doubt tats it though. I have been reducing my "fitness" training to light weeks and "tactics" and "ball control" for heavier match weeks.

I guess some teams just incur injuries, I'll have to pay much more attention to to the "prone to injury" attribute.

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  • 1 month later...

i started with 26 players at my club. (Mansfield Town) i am part way through my 4th season and it seems every season so far i have had an injury crisis with 5 or 6 players out injured all at the same time and all out for months rather than weeks. my training is average, i dont pick anyone who is below 90% fit, i do some fitness work during pre season and i have just had a new pitch laid. this season is the worst so far. currently i have 9 first team players out and 6 of them are between 4 and 6 months ( so the season is over for these guys already) the other 3 are out for about a month. its not the same players that are getting injured every season it just seems completely random who gets injured but never goalkeepers for some reason.

an injury crisis once in a while is realistic. an injury crisis every single season is not. there simply has to be something wrong for this many injuries all the time

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i started with 26 players at my club. (Mansfield Town) i am part way through my 4th season and it seems every season so far i have had an injury crisis with 5 or 6 players out injured all at the same time and all out for months rather than weeks. my training is average, i dont pick anyone who is below 90% fit, i do some fitness work during pre season and i have just had a new pitch laid. this season is the worst so far. currently i have 9 first team players out and 6 of them are between 4 and 6 months ( so the season is over for these guys already) the other 3 are out for about a month. its not the same players that are getting injured every season it just seems completely random who gets injured but never goalkeepers for some reason.

an injury crisis once in a while is realistic. an injury crisis every single season is not. there simply has to be something wrong for this many injuries all the time

The fact that it happens every season to you (If it does) suggests you are doing something to increase the chance of it happening.

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Sometimes I find it a bit ridiculous that even with a full 2nd XI and rotated so that each XI plays every other game, I still get just as much, if not more injuries than some other teams (Man City) who plays their key players till the point of exhaustion.

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Too little can be as bad as too much.

Easy tackling, rests before & after matches, easy training can make players weak.

I would certainly lose the easy tackling and stick to the default level for their position/role. Also make sure they are being tested in training, they should all be on at least a medium level of training. Aside for that other factors could be:

A) Are some players injury prone?

B) Are some players being targeted by the opposition?

C) Are they match fit?

D) Luck

Is that true? Is there any evidence for that?

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The fact that it happens every season to you (If it does) suggests you are doing something to increase the chance of it happening.

if it does?? i dont understand why you would suggest that i am making it up. i simply shared my experience of playing the game with other players who are having injury problems too.

however i agree that there has to be a reason behind the injuries and right now im thinking of 3 possibilities

1, bad luck...i might go the next 4 seasons with virtually no problems

2, a bug or glitch allowing too many long term injuries

3, something im doing or not doing that is causing it and if you have any suggestions i would be happy to hear them


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This season I'm getting really annoyed with injuries. Practically every game some player gets injured or loses x% from condition. Fortunately I've managed to avoid long-term injuries, but still..

Well, odd thing is that during the match I get message that my player is injured and I need to make substitution. But after the match physio doesn't give me any update and my player seems to be absolutely fine. Should it be like that or is it some kind of bug?

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  • 4 weeks later...
This season I'm getting really annoyed with injuries. Practically every game some player gets injured or loses x% from condition. Fortunately I've managed to avoid long-term injuries, but still..

Well, odd thing is that during the match I get message that my player is injured and I need to make substitution. But after the match physio doesn't give me any update and my player seems to be absolutely fine. Should it be like that or is it some kind of bug?

I reported it here, but have not upload my PKM yet. http://community.sigames.com/showthread.php/341418-Knocked-player-always-injured-on-substitution

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I have only had one instance since 2011 and now i`m in 2023 that 3 players have been injured during one match.....the funny thing is, it was earlier today and was the first time i have played FM in 2 weeks.....payback 4 not playing haha.

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Injuries seem to be more annoying on this version, I seem to always get a player or two injured for about 3 months then come back an get injured again even though it doesn't say there injury prone, this usually results me in selling the player since his attributes have dropped quite a bit.

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Injuries seem to be more annoying on this version, I seem to always get a player or two injured for about 3 months then come back an get injured again even though it doesn't say there injury prone, this usually results me in selling the player since his attributes have dropped quite a bit.

Happened to me as well, I have a player who I checked using FMRTE to have injury proneness of 4, out with 4 month injury follow by a 5 month injury 3 games coming back. Turned a world class player into absolute turd.

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i went through an injury crisis at the start of the second season.

suarez got injured for 2 months, then when he comes back, sturridge gets injured for 2 months.

aggers been injured for three months, carragher 2, reina 6 weeks, enrique 5 months through the pre season and gerrard for 8 weeks.

makes the game fun as it means i have to use my whole team. i left myself abit light in centre back so had to play Skrtl and Coates for ages.

some times you get injuries. i hardly got any in the first season.

i do feel that bringing players back slowly, stop them from getting injured again.

turn their training to light when their coming back, play them for the last 10-15 minutes for a few games and then bring their trainig up to medium.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i am getting fed up with it to. no matter how many times you load the same game, you get someone injured. as if the game cannot progress without getting someone injured. if it does progress without getting injured then it repeats again in the other match. absolutely frustrating.

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