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Infuriating match stats.

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Firstly let me say i don't mind losing games, even games to vastly inferior teams. it happens a team can only have 3 or 4 shots in a game and score 2 or more goals.

My problem is this is happening nearly every single game for me. Now i win the vast majority of these games with teams having only one or two shots on target and grabbing a goal or even two. I strive for realism and it's really bugging me that 90% of shots on target against smaller teams end up going in. Example below of Villa costing me the PL title 3 shots 2 on target 2 goals. This is not a one off these are the kinda of stats i get against all the mid level to lower teams.


Now a mod closed my last topic on the main board and told me it was tactical but surely that's not the case restricting most teams to four shots or less plus the bigger teams where the stats are more realistic it's fine.

I tend to play a 4-1-2-2-1 defensive and rigid away from home and against more difficult teams and Attacking and fluid against the weaker, smaller teams. It's absolutely killing for this to happen 15 plus times a season. You play really well and you draw a game or just win a game where the opposition has one or two shots yet always scores one. Twice in my current season I've dropped points in games the opposition has had no shots on target yet I've scored own goals.

Any idea's what to do? I don't want to change tactics where i defend worse concede 5 or more shots on target as that defeats the purpose of trying to make my team the best i can. To me this is an absolute joke at the moment. Being punished by clinical one or two shot finishing every single game. I have world class defenders and a world class GK all with high avg ratings that don't suffer.

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I Can't really see the image as its so small, but I woudln't class what I can see as you been superior either. I'd go by the shots on target and you're both pretty even. Which suggest you had a lot of long ranged effort.

But you need to do provide a lot more info like wwfan says above.

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In my games, most shots on target are goals. Luckily I create twice or three times as many as them most of the time, so I can score one in three or one in four and still win. Also, if I am the one overrun, which happens away vs strong teams, I am always capable of scoring on the counter and punish them the same way I am punished for my attacking play at home.

How to reduce their efficiency? Deep defensive line and many men behind the ball. Closing down their wingers. The central defenders are incapable of being proactive on through-balls, and when you push up there are a lot of very precise passes into space. Closing down the passer helps. Pacey defenders does not help much, since it is the delayed reaction and slow rotation rate that is the problem, not the speed with which they run. More precisely, the reaction-time isn't actually unrealistic, but the ME fails to account for the fact that if a midfielder or winger is facing your own goal and you're marking one of their strikers, and the midfielder isn't closed down or under pressure, then if there is space behind you the pass is going to come. This is why any sensible defender, seeing such a situation in front of him, will step up to put him in offside, drop off to cut off the space or otherwise block the path of the striker - and the result is that millimeter-precise through-balls with defenders trailing several meters behind are rare in real life, especially when the pass does not come after a break-away.

In any case, a look at the screenshot tells me that 15/6 is just above 1/3 of all shots at goal. That figure should really be 1/2. Other than this there isn't enough information in your post to help much. I'd like to know Tempo, Defensive Line, Width and Time Wasting (team) as well as Closing Down, Passing range and Mentality of your players (roles won't tell me much since everything changes a lot depending on lots of different stuff).

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Deflections leading to own goals are my personal bug bear, you can build up a brilliant shot, well placed, on target, a clearly a CCC....but the last touch comes off of a defender. You get the goal, but you get no stats at all for it, it makes the work to create that goal seem very unappreciated.

In real life for the last couple of years the FA have awarded own goals to the striker instead as long as their original shot was deemed to be on target....why can't SI adopt this real life policy also?

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