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How to set training intensity once for all the year ?

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I would like to avoid to set the intensity every month or so, is there a way to set it once for " ever " and change it only if I wish ?

Another quick one : How to set individual focus and intensity without having to do that for each single player ? I mean, I am looking for a way to do it for a group of players or all of them in one click only instead of doing it one by one. Quite boring and time wasting.

Thanks in advance

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I'm pretty sure that if you go to Training and go to the top of the panel, you can select the focus and the intensity at whatever level and it will stick to that. For the second question, go to the Individual tab on Training and there's a button somewhere on there to ask your assistant to set them automatically for each player :)

I'm managing a national team atm so I can't get you a screenshot but it is there.

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I'm pretty sure that if you go to Training and go to the top of the panel, you can select the focus and the intensity at whatever level and it will stick to that. For the second question, go to the Individual tab on Training and there's a button somewhere on there to ask your assistant to set them automatically for each player :)

I'm managing a national team atm so I can't get you a screenshot but it is there.

Thanks for the answer, I'll asap give it a try.

For the second answer I prefer to decide by myself and not letting ass man do anything but training players.

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