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Suggestion: Hidden injuries

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The injury system in the game is all fine and works for what it is, but injuries in real life is often much more complicated than that.

When a player break a leg it is usually simple enough, you rest and let the bone grow back. But ask Owen Hargreaves and his story is a very different. After he first serious injuy he never really got back, and the injury has been hitting him again and again. Or ask Vicente, the one time "best left winger in the world", now playing for Brighton. The medical staff couldn't even find his problem. Or ask another Valenciaplayer, Sergio Canales. Back after six months out injured, he relapsed after only five matches and hasn't played a match since. Or ask Fernando Torres who still is a shadow of the player he was before his injury.

So my real suggestion is this: Hidden injuries.

They do not happen often, but often enough to destroy at least some careers in the game.

This happens when your physios give you the thumb up to play a player even when he is still injured. This can only happen with some injuries, and every injury type has a percentagestat in the DB to tell the chance of it becoming hidden.

The hidden injury can have the effect of the player becoming injured again after some time, and maybe be out for even longer than the first time. Or the player get a statdecrease in different stats (speed, bravery, workrate, technique++) that last as long as the injury is not healed. Other effects could be decreased morale, fitness never reaching 100% or the player blaming you for playing him. The hidden injury can be detected by the physio or by sending them for a medical examination. Or maybe the player discover it himself before it is to late.

After a knee injury you might double/triplecheck every time to see if everything is ok, and let the player get 5/10 minutes to check for himself if he feels ok.

They can also be detected at a medical test before signing the player. An operation or a longer resting time might be needed to get the player back to full fitness. Or in worst case scenario, the player have to retire, or play at a lower level for the rest of his career.

For me this is much more realistic than seeing injury prone players getting all kind of random injuries all the time. The fact that Hargreaves has bad knees do not make the chance of him breaking his toe any bigger than what Javier Zanetti does.

I am not sure of this, but if the game do not have in place, some way to differ from injuries where IP should effect and injuries where it shouldn't, they should add that as well.

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I'm not sure if it is still in, but I am fairly sure an earlier version of CM/FM definitely had something that simulated this to a degree. You would sometimes get a player who would frequently succumb to exactly the same type of injury over and over, so was not driven by overall injury proneness but was specific to an underlying problem. You could then sometimes send them for specialist treatment which would usually resolve the issue.

It's not exactly what you outlined but similar.

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There is an 'injury proneness' rating and there are injurise that can cause massive loss in skills thus resulting in career changing issues.

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I'm not sure if it is still in, but I am fairly sure an earlier version of CM/FM definitely had something that simulated this to a degree. You would sometimes get a player who would frequently succumb to exactly the same type of injury over and over, so was not driven by overall injury proneness but was specific to an underlying problem. You could then sometimes send them for specialist treatment which would usually resolve the issue.

It's not exactly what you outlined but similar.

I remember one version I played (can't remember the exact one, may have been pre FM days) where one of my players was found to have arthritis from a physio report and had to be sent for hypnotherapy, was a nice touch I'd like to see make a return.

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I think more variety to injuries would be good, sometimes a player can come back quicker than expected, sometimes having a setback (or repeated setbacks). Could be linked to physio quality and mental characteristics. As long as it was rare, it would be a good and realistic element.

I would also like to see mis-diagnosis of injuries and a greater relevance to injuries and their management.

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Until current injuries are sorted I'll rather not have this. I once decided to play a match without a substitute goalkeeper. Ofcourse my keeper gets injured from kicking a goalkick. I figure it's probably a hamstring, Jarred knee or twisted ankle? Not at all. After the game physio reports he is out with a stubbed finger. Still trying to comprehend how that happened

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