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do the general feedback restrictions work?

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Just wandering wether anyone feels they can use the me and general feedback folders to an extent other than to make complaints without the thread being closed?

Although I agree that it clears the forums A LOT reading through them is so depressing! I have just spent 5 hours looking through in an attempt to find something similar to the problems I have had, simply to give up as any particular references I have found have had no feedback as to how to fix it. I agree that posts in a particularly negative manor should be closed, but in reality if I wasnt off work sick I would never of had time for this, who would?!

For the first time in my life I'm in a position to say my time on fm is generally limited. I usually put up with things that make the game slow or tedious, and have been impressed with the advances made in game, especially over the last couple of years. But if certain things are gona stop working for no apparent reason (main problem being the scouting and international reports), I just can't be bothered. A few hours at the start of game, to set everything up, yeah, I kind of enjoy it. Repeating that, no...

Does anyone else feel pressured to spend longer than they are enjoying on the forums looking for old posts to help? The search feature is well known for its short comings and of no real help. Should anyone have to spend 5 hours reading through depressing and rediculous complaints that will leve anyone jaded just because it makes a moderators night easier... sorry mods :lol:

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