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USA restructure project.


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hello, my name is Sjoerd. first of al I'm dutch so if my English isn't the best then I'm sorry. I've always like MLS and such but not in like FM. so i decided after playing MikeMagnums USA Alternate last year to create something my own. I could use some opinions and extra hands. I will explain the MLS first.


The MLS is mostly intact. ofcourse the drafts and all-star are not in the game anymore. but the rest is simply the same. I added a 20th team Phoenix Monsoon. There are alot of people telling me to put NY Cosmos in but i've decided that New York already has a team in the competition and Phoenix being home to more than 1 million people has not. I also did this because the North-West region has basicly not enough soccer teams. I changed there reputation and balance to an average of the league. There home is The University of Phoenix Stadium. the League's reputation has been upgraded and so have been the prize and tv money.



National Soccer League

This is basicly the lower league these teams have been thrown in by reputation.

the money here is stil verry high but isn't as much as the MLS (obviously).


Coca-Cola Soccer League

pretty much the same as the NSL but lower. less money less reputation ect.


The United Soccer Leagues

these are two leagues simple just USL 1 and 2 these are so far the lowest leagues.



I would like to get some help. this is just made out of fun but maybe if we work together we can make something good of it.

As you could see not every team and competition has a logo if there are creative people who would like to make some Logo's that would be lovely.

if you have any suggestions at all about teams in competitions or what so ever please share.

future plans: making a Super Cup. I was thinking about the JFK Cup (John F. Kennedy) and making the MLS the American Premier League because its stil using allocation funds. and player swaps


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