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Yearly releases...

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I've been playing FM for quite a long time, since 90ish.. it's a fantastic game, and has made me lose quite a few jobs (probably would have lost them anyway to be fair)

But I'll be honest, I have not bought every release that I have played, far from it. I would say I probably buy a copy of FM every 3.5 years on average.. and that's because of an increase in the last 7 or 8 years when I've actually been an adult with money of my own. (side-point, i had lots of subs to FM live)

I'm happy to see FM move to steam, even though it does make it harder for the general population (me) to get a free copy, and the reason is.. I really really hope SI might work it so that they don't need to release a version every year to make money.. DLC has proved fairly successful, and to be honest, the main reason i either bought or pirated a copy of FM *every* year, is to get the updated database. Its certainly not because its a new game, sometimes a new feature would be eye catching (dynamic league reps got me all excited a while back) but lets be honest, its the same game every year, with minor improvements, and that's the point of this post....

The minor improvements are always.. the low hanging fruit... the easy things you can get done in a year, like press conferences, I'm enjoying the new match engine in FM2013, a lot, because its a proper improvement, and, no surprise, its been in the works for 2 years, and some would say that it was rushed to release somewhat. (though I'm not one of those, I play in 2d and I think its a big improvement)

Basically my point is that the release schedule is hurting the quality of the game. A year is not a long time in software development, especially when you have a codebase as complicated and as 'entrenched' as I'm sure the FM codebase is. If you look at other games, take any example, half-life to half-life 2 would be the extreme example (a complete new game, I know), but even more rapidly released games like call of duty don't have such a short release cycle. One of my other most favorite games of all time civilization has released 5 versions over the last 20 years. *NO-one else tries to release a new iteration of a game every year.* (except PES, Fifa, who are also victims of the need for updated rosters, and PES suffered from the same problem, same old same old every year... now Fifa is considered better)

I'm not going to go into details, but there have been many issues that have plagued the game for years before being addressed, and its obvious why.. because they are not a simple fix, and there's a release schedule to be stuck to.. current examples would be the AI squad building and scouting/PA being way too predictable. (off the top of my head, I'm sure there are a ton of other smaller ones). Both of these have been issues for a long time, and I can't see them being fixed/changed anytime soon. Sometimes I would just like to get a new game, rather than a shined up patch with some extra bells and whistles.

Having said all that, I am enjoying the new FM.. and the iterative changes that have been made over the course of the game recently have definitely worked and improved the game immensely, I just hope SI use this new content delivery system, give us database updates every year (or more often, on the deadline day, after we've seen the new signings in action... ) charge for them, and release an actual new game, a polished game, with proper improvements to the core game, every 2-5 years. I think the series deserves that, and more to the point, I really can't see myself purchasing FM2014 or 15.. why would I? I've played them before.

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How to get yourself kicked off sigames forum :rolleyes:

I agree with some of what you have said, however if they only released the game once every 2-3 years their profit margins would take a severe crushing and at the end of the day, it all comes down to ££££s.

Oh, I would wager that you'll be put in front of Si's firing squad in less than a couple of hours from now :p

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