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Match Engine Update 13.2.1 - ME 1325 Constructive feedback here please

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Man, all I want is my goalies to not drop the ball so often, my defenders not to act like headless chicken, my midfildiers to score normal goals and not have Maradona runs, my team not to have 30 unrealistic shots on goal while they all have long shots set on low... These are things I cant change with my tactics!!! And these are the things I'm talking about that happen year after year and annoy people.

But I give up in trying to explain this to people who just don't understand even if you draw them. I've had a few long posts where I basically draw a picture with words on the subject "Why does FM have major ME bugs every year", and if some people still don't get it that's ok. But basing my opinion on a number of people who complain and the minority who defend the game and accuse others of having bad tactics, I know I'm right with every certainty.

The "defenders" reactions to constructive criticism posts, when they have nothing else to say, is "Well why don't you buy the game in February then", "You probably suck at the game" and "Your tactics must be wrong". When I see these kind of answers to my specific list of SI/users conifrmed bugs that happen every year I wonder if people read the posts at all, are they beaten and have nothing to say so they change the subject, or are they simply crazy? And I know that it is time to stop talking about this, because it's like talking to a brick wall!

Moderators, sorry I drifted away a bit from the original topic which is new update's ME. I have played a few games last night and it seemed alright, I actually finally got to enjoy the game a bit. Sure there are a few more bugs, but I guess the final version of the game is due to be relased at the end of February- the story that happens every year and whose incorectness humble and shallow consumers will obviously never understand.

I completely agree with Casual, word by word. I've been playing the game for nearly 20 years (since '93) so I know what I'm talking about. But this is the first time I felt I had to join the forum. TBH FM is the still the best footie manager game around, but the pathetic trolling by some people extremely annoying, to say the least...

A really good example of a stupid goalie and idiot defending:


I mean, SI, seriously...WTF??? MacZidane will probably say: It's absolutely fine, this happens every week IRL...

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No new updates have even been mentioned as yet, if there is any news it'll be announced here first.

Hmmmmmmm..... "as yet"...?

First of all, they are called 'updates' - the next patch will be the after the January transfers (we should all know this by now). But did you just drop another hint that there is in fact another 'update' in progress (without any emmediate timeframe as usual)...?

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Hmmmmmmm..... "as yet"...?

First of all, they are called 'updates' - the next patch will be the after the January transfers (we should all know this by now). But did you just drop another hint that there is in fact another 'update' in progress (without any emmediate timeframe as usual)...?

Wouldn't be any point in me dropping hints, I have no insider knowledge whatsoever.

I'm making natural assumptions based on what's happened so far and the policy in general that PaulC outlined some time ago, i.e. I believe there may be more ME specific interim fixes because of the nature of ME development for this particular edition.

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I completely agree with Casual, word by word. I've been playing the game for nearly 20 years (since '93) so I know what I'm talking about. But this is the first time I felt I had to join the forum. TBH FM is the still the best footie manager game around, but the pathetic trolling of MacZidane and the fanboys are extremely annoying, to say the least...

A really good example of a stupid goalie and idiot defending:


I mean, SI, seriously...WTF??? MacZidane will probably say: It's absolutely fine, this happens every week IRL...

I can't disagree that some people are ridiculously defensive of the game at times in the face of pretty convincing evidence to the contrary, but nevertheless plenty of people are ridiculously critical at times too and we let their comments stand as well.

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Wouldn't be any point in me dropping hints, I have no insider knowledge whatsoever.

I'm making natural assumptions based on what's happened so far and the policy in general that PaulC outlined some time ago, i.e. I believe there may be more ME specific interim fixes because of the nature of ME development for this particular edition.

I think in some way it would be beneficial to the mob that there was a little hint if things are going to slightly improve before the Jan transfer patch by a planned update (or that one is in the works). Letting the crowd know that SI towers do have an eye on certain elements maybe won't make everyone feel all dandy inside - but it might silence some of the ones comming out of the woodwork... ;)

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I think in some way it would be beneficial to the mob that there was a little hint if things are going to slightly improve before the Jan transfer patch by a planned update (or that one is in the works). Letting the crowd know that SI towers do have an eye on certain elements maybe won't make everyone feel all dandy inside - but it might silence some of the ones comming out of the woodwork...

They won't hint, they'll either do it or they won't and the first clue you'll get is probably when they announce it (if it is to happen)

No ammount of fishing will get them to give a prediction

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No new updates have even been mentioned as yet, if there is any news it'll be announced here first.

I think that as much as I would like to go back to 13.1.3 I know that is not going to happen. So I really don't want another quick update if it's the same kind of thing 13.2.1 is. I'd much rather like to see SI get things right as much as possible in a next update, even if that takes more time than we like.

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Constantly reading 13.1.3 was a better version surely means something. That it is actually better. Thats the simple truth.

The question is. Would SI even consider returning to an older better version and start again from there? Is it even possible to do that?

Would love to hear an answer for this.

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Constantly reading 13.1.3 was a better version surely means something. That it is actually better. Thats the simple truth.

The question is. Would SI even consider returning to an older better version and start again from there? Is it even possible to do that?

Would love to hear an answer for this.

No they won't, this ME is an ongoing project which will eventually surpass anything previous to it, PaulC said a long time ago it would sometimes be two steps forward and one step back, that's exactly how it's panning out.

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I still feel we (the paying customers, let's not forget) would probably be well served with the option of choosing to revert to a certain ME version we liked the most. Especially when the changes in ME every update are so severe.

It isn't possible technically, I do support the idea you should get 24 hours notice of an update so you can delay it at least for a while, but that's only because it would reduce irrational complaints by about 90% :D

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It isn't possible technically, I do support the idea you should get 24 hours notice of an update so you can delay it at least for a while, but that's only because it would reduce irrational complaints by about 90% :D

Is it really though? I mean the ME is a stand alone thing. I'm sure it's not theoretically impossible, however I do accept it may be inpractical.

The 24 hours notice idea is decent, maybe just an option to choose in-game whether to auto-install updates or not.

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After probably 50 games on ME1325, the only things really bugging me are:

1. Dodgy backpasses. I have conceded probably 4 goals in these 50 games where a defender with good composure, passing and decision making has woefully under hit a backpass to my keeper 15 yards away, directly resulting in a goal

2. Long shots - volume and accuracy

3. Very occasional weird ball trajectory - I have seen the ball make a couple of bizarre slow arcing sweeps across the pitch

4. General shot accuracy

5. Heavy reduction in through balls

6. Annoying 3D jitter just before a goal is scored

In all honesty, I imagine that points 2, 4 and 5 are related, so if the underlying issues there get addressed, I'll be a happy bunny. At the moment, my tactics from the Beta are bearing up well, and I'm seeing far better flow to attacking football than in any prior version of CM / FM.

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My 4-4-2 which was winning a level 9 league by an average of 15 points every game is now totally ineffective and the goals per game has actually gone DOWN

4-2-3-1 not much better - 7 goals from 22 games and bottom of the league and it's not like I'm getting spanked every game - conceded 24

Why are there such extremes from what was basically a few tweaks to the ME?

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My 4-4-2 which was winning a level 9 league by an average of 15 points every game is now totally ineffective and the goals per game has actually gone DOWN

4-2-3-1 not much better - 7 goals from 22 games and bottom of the league and it's not like I'm getting spanked every game - conceded 24

Why are there such extremes from what was basically a few tweaks to the ME?

sorry if this seems ignorant, but what is "level 9 league" ?

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sorry if this seems ignorant, but what is "level 9 league" ?

Using a custom database that goes down to regional level 9 in the pyramid - BSS/BSN is level 6

Also noticed that it takes way too long to get tactic familiarity - end of november and my team is just over 50% familiar with the tactic after 35 games (incl. friendlies) with training on very high tactics and also tactics for match prep

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Using a custom database that goes down to regional level 9 in the pyramid - BSS/BSN is level 6

Also noticed that it takes way too long to get tactic familiarity - end of november and my team is just over 50% familiar with the tactic after 35 games (incl. friendlies) with training on very high tactics and also tactics for match prep

oh, I see...... never thought of that.... thanx for clearing it out for me, cheers :-)

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No they won't, this ME is an ongoing project which will eventually surpass anything previous to it, PaulC said a long time ago it would sometimes be two steps forward and one step back, that's exactly how it's panning out.

Just makes me feel like a beta tester. The past two patches haven't in the slightest been a step forward either.

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This update feels like a step backwards. It seems with all these small updates one problem is fixed and three more are created. The fact players are shooting from everywhere, and there are hardly any crosses now doesn't give me a feeling that these changes are being thought through.

Almost every goal I'm currently conceding starts with a huge error from a defender, the kind of errors the opposition don't make. It starts to get a bit old after so many games, even if you are winning.

The game is playable... but it's not an accurate football manager simulation, it is bereft of any joy and realism. Maybe they will fix it down the line, but I'm fed up of beta testing.

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Regardless of whether my team is winning or losing and by what score, the 13.2 ME is a lot less fun to watch than 13.1.3.

The unrealistic dribbling and score lines got immediate attention because they are so easily quantifiable. But please, SI, don't lose sight of the problems in 13.2 that don't show up in statistics but make the game on display boring and frustrating to watch:

1. Fewer through balls. And not just chance-creating killer passes, but any attempt to play the ball into space ahead of someone.

2. Underhit passes.

3. 1 and 2 make counter attacking really slow and kludge. Where before players could ping the ball up the pitch with 3 or 4 passes, now they can't pass ahead of anyone, so the player receiving the ball has to stop and wait for it to slowly barely get there. Also, everyone would seemingly rather dribble than pass, so counterattacks big down, often in a big mass of players in the middle of the pitch closing down the guy who is dribbling.

4. Bunching up caused by several defenders all closing down the man with the ball in a big clump. Neil Brock earlier in the thread said this wasn't such a big problem. It is. Because when it happens it looks insane and totally breaks immersion.

5. General lack of awareness of the ball, especially after a tackle or wayward pass when the ball is up for grabs.

The basic effect is what we're watching, and a lot of this game is just watching your team play, doesn't look like football, or at least not like any football I'd like to see. People in this thread say the game is unplayable; I'd contend what they really mean is the game is relatively unwatchable. Which is frustrating, because 13.1.3, to me at least, was so fun to watch.

Amen, could not agree more.

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Never known a game to have so many ME problems patch after patch. Worst I've ever seen to be honest. I'm trillionthing what others have said. Way too many long shots and barely any through balls, regardless of tactics. Literally, regardless of tactics, so what is the point of it all? Patches seem to be ignoring half the problems of the previous ones ... and somehow adding a load of news ones. Hope to god the next patch sorts some of this out, never known SI to struggle this much, I've always been fairly happy with the ME, but if it the next patch is riddled again then that's me done for FM13.

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In my opinion the biggest two problems are:

1. The extremely high amount of long shots taken.

2. The inaccuracy of shots, especially shots from close range.

Those are not seperate problems, they are related.

If the shots were more accurate, we'd have scores more like hockey than football.

The root problem is the number of long shots taken in the first place and that is down to decision making and awareness.

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Kriss I know you said there may be a temporary hotfix but can someone like Neil give clarification on this as this is the ultimate decision on whether I start a new save. If I know a hotfix is coming I will just wait otherwise if I am forced to start my save and realise there is a new hotfix will be unhappy.

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It isn't possible technically, I do support the idea you should get 24 hours notice of an update so you can delay it at least for a while, but that's only because it would reduce irrational complaints by about 90% :D

To be fair to the people who create and develop the ME, it would cause a lot of problems if they had staggered / delayed feedback from different groups, or even some then opting out of the update. In terms of improving the ME and improving the game, it needs to be rolled out all at once, for everyone.

That said, I do wonder about the extent to which consumers who have paid for the product should be ongoing beta-testers? This is not an FM and / or SI specific issue it is much wider than that - it is IMO a serious issue and perhaps the bigger issue behind this.

This practice seems to have become the norm but because something is the norm doesn't make it right.

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Hi everyone,

Yeah, I hate to add to this massive thread with more bad news but FM 2013 was a Christmas present for me - one which I lovingly resisted buying early as I knew my mrs was probably going to get it for me...long story short, been playing it all day today, and yes the match engine - despite this new patch - is massively flawed still.

In essence, all the players are completely thick. They don't attack the ball properly, Junior Hoilett seems to think the goal is by the corner flag every time he shoots, no player is able to put curve on the ball at all, no wingers/attacking midfielders take defenders on, they just turn around and play the ball back.

A player can receive the ball in acres of space in the centre of the park, but if facing away from goal, does not turn and attack, but stands around until he is tackled...which in itself is a rarity. I've not seen a single defensive tackle when the opposition is running towards goal yet, and defenders just don't engage the ball at all. I've played the whole pre-season with QPR (don't anyone laugh, the game doesn't know how terrible we really are) barely scraping results against German 3rd division sides because of blundering errors which are just plain unrealistic, and it's never been like this before. I think the FM 2012 ME needs to be used somehow with a few more graphical tweaks added until the new one is properly constructed.

I appreciate all the work gone into this, especially over Christmas, but unfortunately if I'm playing the 'fixed' version, then gawd knows what it was like at release?! It's the most important part of the game, and it's still incredibly flawed...needs a major major overhaul, and quickly.

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Kriss I know you said there may be a temporary hotfix but can someone like Neil give clarification on this as this is the ultimate decision on whether I start a new save. If I know a hotfix is coming I will just wait otherwise if I am forced to start my save and realise there is a new hotfix will be unhappy.

As regards the ME only PaulC has license to do that and for oft stated reasons even he isn't able to commit himself very often.

As i've repeated ad nauseam imo this is very much a one off year as regards the ME and whether it pains you or not it is in the end for the greater good of the game and us fans.

I refuse to accept the premise that it's unplayable though I fully understand some of the frustrations, in the end it's up to each individual whether he holds off for future updates, or takes an active part in helping resolve the issues.

Those are my personal opinions and in no way represent any SI policy that I'm aware of.

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Would like to second what ReggaeBwoy is wanting to know. I too have just about finished the worst experience of my FM life and got to the end of a season best forgot. I too do not want to start a new season if like we hope a new patch is on its way.

I'm not too keen on starting a new save either as I usually dont go back to old saves once i start a new one,, and I was enjoying my current one prior to this god awful patch and its update.

Is there anyone in the know that can confirm that they are or will be looking at a new patch sometime soon ,, have they even made any statement or comment ,, I doubt it with the holidays and all,, but someone might know someone and be able to let us know??

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As regards the ME only PaulC has license to do that and for oft stated reasons even he isn't able to commit himself very often.

As i've repeated ad nauseam imo this is very much a one off year as regards the ME and whether it pains you or not it is in the end for the greater good of the game and us fans.

I refuse to accept the premise that it's unplayable though I fully understand some of the frustrations, in the end it's up to each individual whether he holds off for future updates, or takes an active part in helping resolve the issues.

Those are my personal opinions and in no way represent any SI policy that I'm aware of.

It's a tricky issue. For long-term players such as myself, I can live with the current ME problems short or even medium term with a future horizon of an excellent ME, which I really do have every confidence PaulC and his team will be able to deliver. :)

If I was 12, getting this in my Xmas stocking, not so sure I'd feel the same way. If I'm that potentially unhappy 12 yr old's Dad who struggled to get the cash to buy the game, I don't think I'd be a happy bunny. If I had far less understanding of how games are developed and the complexity of the ME, I'd be unhappier still as Dad, or the 12 yr old.

My point here is that we on this forum might not be representative of the whole market.

@Kriss's point specifically. I don't personally think its unplayable (each person will define that differently) but I will say I'm not enjoying it (btw I was enjoying everything up to and including 13.1.3) . Though I am trying to be constructive - I spent time tonight tweaking everything trying to get the team I manage to just please, please, play through balls AND for my striker to actually run after them in the hope that, by my tweaking, I could give some constructive forward-feedback to the team here. Alas my efforts have been to no avail! :(

Eden Hazard did score 5 goals against Newcastle for me though and anyone who understands my username will know why that is amusing for me :D

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STILL too many long shots (especially from CM's) despite the slider being set to rarely and it not being a feature of their position (I can understand an AP doing this occasionally, but a BWM set to defensive?).

And STILL a big issue with players passing the ball backwards despite facing the opposition goal and having options ahead of them, it's as if the through ball has been nerfed to the extent that it is pretty much non-existent.

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If I was 12, getting this in my Xmas stocking, not so sure I'd feel the same way. If I'm that potentially unhappy 12 yr old's Dad who struggled to get the cash to buy the game, I don't think I'd be a happy bunny. If I had far less understanding of how games are developed and the complexity of the ME, I'd be unhappier still as Dad, or the 12 yr old.

My 11 year old grandson cheats so much it's irelevant :D

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Constantly reading 13.1.3 was a better version surely means something. That it is actually better. Thats the simple truth.

So why were there howls of derision all the way through that update's lifespan? All I hear now is how this 13.1.3 update was the best thing ever, yet at the time, very few were vocally defensive of it. And anyone who was, was labelled a 'fanboy' or other such nonsense.

There are people who will simply never be happy with the match engine on this game, because their expectations are hugely unrealistic.

You talk about 'simple truth'. Here is the the simple truth.

Is this match engine perfect? No.

Are there still bugs in the game? Yes

Do any of the bugs render the game broken or unplayable? No

Is this current match engine the best yet in the series? Yes.

THAT is the simple truth. Deal with it.

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I'm finding dribbling to still be a massive problem. Not as big as before, but still a problem. My wide players still dribble into the side netting too.

The biggest issues I am finding atm are that my playmakers are shooting from range even though there are clear options to pass too and tackling. I posted a picture a few pages back when I beat Wolves 3-0, yet their midfielder got MOTM because he was a tackling machine. Well, this is even better. Remember also that I went into this game on the back of a ten game winning run.



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So why were there howls of derision all the way through that update's lifespan? All I hear now is how this 13.1.3 update was the best thing ever, yet at the time, very few were vocally defensive of it. And anyone who was, was labelled a 'fanboy' or other such nonsense.

There are people who will simply never be happy with the match engine on this game, because their expectations are hugely unrealistic.

You talk about 'simple truth'. Here is the the simple truth.

Is this match engine perfect? No.

Are there still bugs in the game? Yes

Do any of the bugs render the game broken or unplayable? No

Is this current match engine the best yet in the series? Yes.

THAT is the simple truth. Deal with it.

I agree that the expectations of some re. what an ME in 2012-13 can do, is on occasion, unrealistic.

No, the match engine isn't perfect, we agree. Yes, there are bugs. The game isn't unplayable IMO (that is a definition unique to each individual tho).

Is the current ME the best in the series? That's a matter of opinion. IMO, it has the potential to be - I think I can see how its going but, as PaulC has said, it might be 2 steps forward and one step back sometimes.

None of what I've said (mostly in agreement with you re. individual points) or what you have said makes it the "simple truth". It is all about opinions and the truth has yet to be determied so chill out with your criticism of others :)

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When I play El Sharaawy as an inverted winger on the left, role winger attack, he just cuts in and shoots straight at the keeper every time which means he's completely ineffective. When I play him on the right, same role he dribbles past everyone and either scores or cuts it back for my striker to finish. Conclusion, shooting is immensely flawed. Even though my striker has at least one 1on1 with the keeper per game, I am yet to see a goal scored with a powerful shot past the keeper. I tried a Barca-like tactic which relies on through balls and inside forwards and I couldn't beat anyone (with Liverpool) and then I switched to playing out and out wingers and now I seemingly can't be stopped. It's hard to enjoy the game when you are forced to use drilled crosses to have any chance of scoring.

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Yeh, but you know that saying about omelettes and eggs :)

I do indeed!

We also both know, just to continue the analogy, that a little one expecting a nice boiled egg and soldiers (as we both remember seeing as you're old enough to have a grandson) would be a bit upset to come to the breakfast table to find their egg broken.

As I said, it is a difficult situation but it is one SI need to think about (not eggs btw ;) )

Don't forget CM4. Didn't bother me - I had loads of fun with that game as Sunderland manager buying all the ridiculously talented Millwall players :D but it did upset lots of people and ended up getting bad national publicity.

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Must confess I think this version is certainly the most playable so far. Originally I was having games with chances for both teams around 5 per game with maybe 2 shots on goal which was way too low. There were also ridiculous through balls being played from full backs which had the mechanics of a beach ball that were impossible to defend and there were goalkeepers falling over their own feet. We had penalties being taken that were so flimsy that to coin a phrase you could have thrown your cap on it. Then we had the insane dribbling and crosses from all angles from the AI and I think through balls were over powerful. I had Freddie Piquionne running onto through balls for me from the half way line and putting them away on a regular basis and as nice as it was the bloke is 34 and pace was never his strong suit!! I also had my wingers cutting in with regularity and scoring goals for fun and again as nice as it was it just doesn't happen IRL.

Now I am seeing some of these unlikely things but not with regularity. I saw struggling Sunderland beat Man City, I saw Michael Carrick fumble his control that led to a goal, I saw Robert Green punch the ball into his own net and I saw a blatant penalty not given by an inept Referee and that was all on Boxing Day's MOTD!!!

There are issues without a doubt but I have to say compared with FM12 and the previous ME's I really do think this is getting there. Tweak long shots and a slight tweak to through balls and it's close.

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I have a couple of major issues: after the patch the game seems to "freeze" for a second of a fraction of second once for every minute of every match thus making the game much slower to play. Highligths run smoothly except when my team scores when again the game seems to freeze for a second or a fraction of second.

More, sometimes my players seem to forsaken the ball making the other team doingsome spectacular counter attacks....The goalkeeper often seems to have his hands covered with soap and do not blocks almst every shoot except the simplest.

All in all the ME looks better but there is still work to do.

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I'm finding dribbling to still be a massive problem. Not as big as before, but still a problem. My wide players still dribble into the side netting too.

The biggest issues I am finding atm are that my playmakers are shooting from range even though there are clear options to pass too and tackling. I posted a picture a few pages back when I beat Wolves 3-0, yet their midfielder got MOTM because he was a tackling machine. Well, this is even better. Remember also that I went into this game on the back of a ten game winning run.



Replaying the match to see if it was a one off. Am 3-0 down at half time. Neymar has made 11 runs.All 3 goals have come thanks to his runs.

I know it's Neymar and he's a top player. But this is ridiculous.

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sort out the rediculous indirect free kicks, 9/10 they end up in a goal, even if the player is surrounded.

and away form, gets stupid when your team and tactics are fine to concede to random indirect free kicks dribbles and players randomly giving the ball away in a rediculous way. (just passing to them, no interception)

and AI players still dribble rediculously.

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In the interest of fairness I'll post this too. Happened earlier on in the season.


Some ridiculous stats, especially Pjanics crossing, but none at the level of the two United wins. This win was a bit more of an even match too,we were just far more clinical than United. The other two games have been real hammerings, mainly because my team cannot get past the halfway line without being tackled. Which brings me onto my next point. I find that matches are too heavily weighted in the home sides favour.

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