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After scouting next opposition - Scouting required for opposition players??

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What the title says.

I've noticed that after scouting next opposition with 2 top class scouts, scouting is still required for all the attributes and preferred moves for first team squad players. Is this normal?

For example, I'm Tottenham, and I play Aston Villa next match, and Delph, Benteke etc, have hidden attributes and their preferred moves are hidden as well.

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Some of the more 'in the know' forum users may have to correct me here, but I always just assumed that it's because they're not focusing on individual players at the club, rather scouting the team as a whole and its style of play, strengths & weaknesses etc.

Also, in the example you've given, maybe those two players didn't play enough while your scouts have watched Villa to discover all of their attributes.

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Any other replies on this matter? I don't think it is that realistic for lets say Martin Kelly's attributes to be hidden after "next opposition" scouted by two of my scouts, and him playing as the starting right back at the last match of liverpool.

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Its a difficult one. I wouldn't expect the scouts to know all of every players attributes after scouting the team for one match. However i always like to know weather the next oppositions strikers rely more on using their pace/strength etc but often these stats are hidden so i am going into the game unsure. I think things like this should be fairly basic info to look for when my scout is watching them.

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I think it's unrealistic if he's playing regularly and the attributes are then still masked after scouting, another way of revealing attributes is by attending other games which alot of people including myself probably don't take full advantage of.

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Even if the Scout only focus on the team as a whole, style of play, strengths and weaknesses. If the scout don't have report of every "next opposition" first team player, how can he be able to report back who is the most dangerous "next opposition" player, who's the weakest link, etc.?

I think the scout should give a comprehensive report about every "next opposition" first team player. That will be more realistic.

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ok guys, this DEFINETELY is a bug. Playing against West Ham, 5th game of the season, Kevin Nolan played all four previous games for them, and still my two scouts scouting next opposition can't scout enough for the masked attributes of one of West Ham's main threats for my Tottenham squad.

So what does scouting next opposition offer exactly??????? If we are to watch ourselves matches of next opponents so that we know the first team players, why have scouts??

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