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I Am A Complete Idiot

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Uh-huh, definitely. Look elsewhere for tactic-related rocket science. This will be all rant.

Ever since FM 07, I've simply failed to accomplish anything in this game. And considering I'm not the only one playing this game, this leaves us with the unavoidable consequence: I'm a complete idiot.

The only time I could count myself successful was my post at Borussia Dortmund which already had a winner squad, and in even that my second season was turning into a mess despite my championship in the former season.

So in this FM 13 I picked my favorite team of all times, Real Betis -the team that I had made it to UEFA Cup final from Intertoto stage back in my CM glory days-.

I'm always fascinated by the tactical aspects of CM/FM series as well as its tremendously realistic database. So I've come to the conclusion that "one tactic for all games" was not valid anymore and that I had to tinker my tactics from home to away games.

So I wrote up one 4-3-(wide)2-1 for home matches and a classic 4-5-1 for ones away. Starting surprisingly well, I managed to beat high profile guys such as Malaga and Atletico Madrid, building a team that managed to stand off any goals in away matches adorned with a couple of surprise counter-attack goals, and home matches with Zdenek-Zeman-esque results -lotsa goals in both nets.

However the moment I played against Real Madrid, the team was shaken. The unbeaten run came to an end -ok, no problem, they are los galacticos anyway- and add two consecutive Barcelona matches (league & cup) that followed to that and we had a mess once again in our hands. Somewhere at some point I could, insisting on the aforementioned tactics, put the team back on track and managed another run of unbeaten games but with less wins this time.

And that Granada match..Oh them los bloodios madermockeros. They were leading the La Liga to your surprise and I was just "the next one" on their list. 2-0 lost and I was sacked. I had to quit the club while los Beticos were still on 13th seat of the table.

A couple of days later Almeria, Liga Adelante 6th spot contenders approached, that was a surprise and I accepted the job.

I had seen that although somehow my team could manage at away games, home games were never a streak of wins so I tried a 4-6(2 central players)-0 for home games.

My first game away was a 0-2 loss to Mirandes and as my expectations were mounting on our new tactical surprise, I was losing heavily 4-0 at home to Numancia where I RAGEQUIT FM FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE.

Where has my touch and joy gone ? I simply avoid FM now because it made me feel like a total idiot now. 5 years of -although not as frequent as I used to play in my teenager days- incompetence should surely mean something, no ?

Shall I go back to brainless Serious Sam hunting from now on ? What do you say ?

Thanks SI Games for revealing my true level of intelligence after 28 years of lifetime. (Heck, what am I doing right now anyway ?)

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There are feedback threads in the General sections of the forum, I suggest you use one of them. The forum rules at the top of the page does make it clear that threads like this will be closed.

This forum is for tactical discussion and to offer help/advice for those who want it. If that's what you want then I suggest you read the 'asking for help' sticky at the top of the forum and re-post. I'm sure if you do re-post seeking assistance someone can get you enjoying the game again like this fella found out in this thread;

Going against the Grain, a journey from rage quit to complete satisfaction

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