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Training System

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Why was the old training system changed/removed?

I'm asking because the option for having the classic tactic sliders is still there and apparently some people are still using it. Wouldn't it be fair to leave the old custom training schedule creation as an option?

The new system seems very casual and ''unrealistic''. I know that there are people who can't be bothered to ''micro-manage'' it to that level, but you could have just included more preset schedules. Managers had so much more control over the training before, just like in real life. You could do whatever you want. Now your only option is to take a player and say: ''hey you, go and practise being a poacher'' without actually knowing the details about his schedule. I'm not an expert, but I seriously doubt that's how they do it in real life. After all, isn't this game trying to be a football management simulation?

Am I the only one disappointed by this?

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I thought I'd hate it when I first saw it, but I actually quite like the new training system.

Rather than just assigning players to my mathematically calculated schedules and then forgetting about them I'm actually involved in training on a regular basis throughout the season.

It may be simpler than the previous system, but it feels a lot more 'real' to me. Saying that, I've got no experience of how training works at professional football clubs so I could be completely wrong.

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... Rather than just assigning players to my mathematically calculated schedules ...

Yeah, I saw a few tutorials on how to calculate those, but that was overkill, even for me.

I just preferred being able to select how much time or effort a player would spend on a certain category in a specific schedule. Eventually, I'd end up with schedules for specific positions, similar to the current preset ones, but with the advantage of having more control and insight. Currently it feels like I'm not in control and just telling the coaches to do their thing for a certain position.

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Yeah, I saw a few tutorials on how to calculate those, but that was overkill, even for me.

I just preferred being able to select how much time or effort a player would spend on a certain category in a specific schedule. Eventually, I'd end up with schedules for specific positions, similar to the current preset ones, but with the advantage of having more control and insight. Currently it feels like I'm not in control and just telling the coaches to do their thing for a certain position.

I don't know either how it works IRL but I know one thing.. The players doesn't run exactly 49 min, train passing exactly 56 min etc to become the complete superplayer you want them....! This is more realistic in my opinion! Missed the sliders at first too but I prefer realism over mathematically calculated schedules...

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I don't know either how it works IRL but I know one thing.. The players doesn't run exactly 49 min, train passing exactly 56 min etc to become the complete superplayer you want them....! This is more realistic in my opinion! Missed the sliders at first too but I prefer realism over mathematically calculated schedules...

But it has nothing to do with mathematically calculated schedules down to minutes.

It was about being in control about everything. Example:

Let's say you put your striker on the ''Target Man'' schedule. You have no idea what he's doing. Okay, he's probably training the appropriate attributes for a striker, but amongst those could be also useless time spent on training defense related things. Earlier, you could exactly specify that you don't want him to do that, but now you can't and you have to rely on the preset training ''schedule''.

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yeah i missed the old training sliders, sometimes still do but i find this training system works more naturally. I like being able to individually train them in a certain stat and train in traning as well, i.e Attacking focus and passing individual. throughout the season i normally swap focuses about once a month/6 weeks and when in balanced i go with train in role speaking of which what age do the physical/technical stats stop growing, i roughly remember 23??

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Let's say you put your striker on the ''Target Man'' schedule. You have no idea what he's doing. Okay, he's probably training the appropriate attributes for a striker, but amongst those could be also useless time spent on training defense related things.

Are you aware that you can find out the attributes trained by each focus?

Here's an example, you can see that the attributes that the 'poacher' focus will improve.

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To me this new system is a huge step backward as its too simple.

I would much prefer to be able to train say my defense in defensive postioning , midfielders in passing and my attackers in attacking movement rather than the whole team has to train in the one aspect for the week .

I normally manage it for the first few months of the season until my team is good at the formations i use and then more or less forget about it .

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I would much prefer to be able to train say my defense in defensive postioning , midfielders in passing and my attackers in attacking movement rather than the whole team has to train in the one aspect for the week .

I do agree that a third level of training for groups of players could be added. Then, for example, a striker could spend some of the week training with the whole squad, some with the other strikers on generic attacking training and the rest of the time on his individual focus training.

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You mean less involved, since all you have to do is select something from a drop down menu.

I'm more involved, since I'm regularly changing the team training depending on matches/results. On the old system I just assigned players to schedules and left it.

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But it has nothing to do with mathematically calculated schedules down to minutes.

It was about being in control about everything. Example:

Let's say you put your striker on the ''Target Man'' schedule. You have no idea what he's doing. Okay, he's probably training the appropriate attributes for a striker, but amongst those could be also useless time spent on training defense related things. Earlier, you could exactly specify that you don't want him to do that, but now you can't and you have to rely on the preset training ''schedule''.

Are you aware that you can find out the attributes trained by each focus?

Here's an example, you can see that the attributes that the 'poacher' focus will improve.

This! :thup: And you can train specific attrubutes aswell. Just as IRL if a striker has poor finishing and I set focus on finishing I imagine him at the end of training he goes and focus on shooting on targets etc...

And like dafuge says. Not just set a training schedule and leave it there but change it as it seems appropriate. More realistic in my opinion..

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The new training system was another dealbreaker to me...

I've never been a huge fan of sliders and categories, as I found some of the combinations quite odd, but compared to the oversimplified system they introduced this year they looked ace.

You may find it easier and more "realistic" at first, but we have lost a lot of control over training AND development.

It's not a big deal if you're training Neymar, Götze and some of the Top Prospects, because their progression will be armonic and inevitable. But what happens when you start getting newgens?

Let's say you get one of those great "CB who can't jump" or "CM who runs like the wind but is useless at both tackling and passing" or "banana-footed poacher"?

With the old training you had the chance to create a specific training routine to partially "fix" some flaws in a player.

Now with this terrible "one size fits all" schedules based on preset TC roles this is not an option anymore, so you'll have to train players in the way the game wants you to.

And, as said, when the gameworld is populated with unbalanced/flawed newgens, this is going to be a problem, especially at a mid-table level, where even a small fix can make a lot of difference

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I hugely prefer the new, realistic training system to the old nonsense. I'm finding it much more engaging, and I'm producing some really nice, well-rounded youngsters. The key for me has been mentoring to improve determination, targeting key attributes for a while and then switching to a role focus.

I have a great regen striker with poor composure - he started off with composure just under 8, now it's edging over 11 after a little over a year. He's also put a point on a lot of other attributes, and he's practically world class now. It has been a real pleasure helping him reach towards his potential; in previous FMs I wouldn't likely have bothered - or I'd just have downloaded some schedules.

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I was dead against the new training set up at first, I just couldn't grip it, but to be honest now I've played 100s of hours I am definitely thinking it's an improvement. Big time, it seems just easier to follow and plan.

Change eh. Resistance to. :D

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But it has nothing to do with mathematically calculated schedules down to minutes.

It was about being in control about everything. Example:

Let's say you put your striker on the ''Target Man'' schedule. You have no idea what he's doing. Okay, he's probably training the appropriate attributes for a striker, but amongst those could be also useless time spent on training defense related things. Earlier, you could exactly specify that you don't want him to do that, but now you can't and you have to rely on the preset training ''schedule''.

Which is why you have good coaches. If managers did everything like you want them to do then there would be a lot of coaches unemployed and a lot of seriously overworked managers.

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The new training system was another dealbreaker to me...

I've never been a huge fan of sliders and categories, as I found some of the combinations quite odd, but compared to the oversimplified system they introduced this year they looked ace.

You may find it easier and more "realistic" at first, but we have lost a lot of control over training AND development.

It's not a big deal if you're training Neymar, Götze and some of the Top Prospects, because their progression will be armonic and inevitable. But what happens when you start getting newgens?

Let's say you get one of those great "CB who can't jump" or "CM who runs like the wind but is useless at both tackling and passing" or "banana-footed poacher"?

With the old training you had the chance to create a specific training routine to partially "fix" some flaws in a player.

Now with this terrible "one size fits all" schedules based on preset TC roles this is not an option anymore, so you'll have to train players in the way the game wants you to.

And, as said, when the gameworld is populated with unbalanced/flawed newgens, this is going to be a problem, especially at a mid-table level, where even a small fix can make a lot of difference

The old training system was more of a cheat tool than control, quite frankly.

The examples you've used there can all actually be handled in the new system with much more ease than previously. I'm assuming you've not tried it?

Tackling and passing are key parts of most of the central midfield training roles, and you can also train defenders to be better at jumping. However if you're saying you just want to train tackling and passing, you couldn't do that in the old system anyway.

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I've never really bothered with the new training to be honest. At first i did make changes but i'm not quite sure if there is a way to follow the progression of the team on training. I was never quite sure whether a week of defending set pieces is enough or whether i need to keep it there for longer to really see a difference. I think it's good that it's changed but now that i can't (as far as i know) set training schedules for players for each position i have literally no idea when i have trained them enough for something and when i will need to get the team training on it again to keep it at a good quality.

What i would like to see maybe are bars tracking how well the team is progressing in each of the training focus' you can set like they have for the tactics. A manager in real life will be watching their team train to see how they progress, we have no way of doing that for the team training.

As a result of not being able to track anything so not really knowing how to set my schedule the only real option i had was just to leave it to my assistant which kinda sucks

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At first hated it didn't understand it or why they changed it now i realise it's EXACTLY how i tried to get my team to do it in the last one focusing on the attributes they would need most in matches. it makes it much simpler too . One of my major concerns was that if a youngster came through i wouldn't feel like i had as much to do with him becoming good as on previous versions but now i see setting him to the role i want him and to train to the exact position i want him is probably how it should be

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The old training system was more of a cheat tool than control, quite frankly.

The examples you've used there can all actually be handled in the new system with much more ease than previously. I'm assuming you've not tried it?

Tackling and passing are key parts of most of the central midfield training roles, and you can also train defenders to be better at jumping. However if you're saying you just want to train tackling and passing, you couldn't do that in the old system anyway.

I haven't tried it in the long run because I haven't purchased FM13...

However I disagree on the old system being a cheat and on the new system allowing to mould players freely.

Many newgens are really lacking in the mental area, so it was a good idea decreasing the least useful slider (defending for strikers, shooting for defenders) and using the "spare" time on tactics.

Now all we can do is choosing one of the duty-specific training, with only one option of individual focus... More realistic? I hardly think so... When there's a player with "special needs" I'm quite sure managers and coaches have the chance to create specific training programs...

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(Most) Mental abilities improve with experience, not training.

And the old system did allow you to cheat because you could turn a 12 finishing striker at age 25 into a 20 finishing striker by age 26.

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(Most) Mental abilities improve with experience, not training.

And the old system did allow you to cheat because you could turn a 12 finishing striker at age 25 into a 20 finishing striker by age 26.

Mental attributes increase even faster via training now than they did compared to FM12. In fact training in general on FM13 is a lot quicker than it was compared to FM12.

And your example above is a bit extreme :D

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