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Frustrated and discouraged - I have no idea how to play

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I am really frustrated at this game at the moment.

My background coming to this game is 455h of gametime in Fm2012 and couple of hours of testing the 2011 version. In 2012 I didn't use plug and play tactics - I used couple of the tactics as an inspiration for my own but the core of my gaming was this guide to possession football and tactical creator. For man management I used this team talk guide. I did relatively well in the game, guiding my Finnish Premier League team to group stages and once to knockout round of europe league and winning the domestical title 4 times in a row.

Now in this years version, I am strugling. I have no idea how to play this game. I have spent a bit over 100h in reading guides and playing to no avail. Unfortunately I don't have any data saved from my Finnish League team and how it played as I deleted the saves after a "quitting this game for good". From my Ligue 1 save I do have screenshots and I hope they help you in helping me :)

My team was ranked as one of the worst tacklers and poorer passers in the league. Media predicted them to be 10th, so comfortable mid-table finishers.

I am playing fluid, short passing game with easy tackling (for some reason the images won't appear here so I'll post the links) CONTROL and COUNTER. I used play out of defence and work ball into box as shouts.

I tried to adjust my tactics via scout reports - if they made alot of assists from either side of the pitch then the supportive fullback was on that side. If they didn't have AMC, my DMC was changed to zonal marking instead of manmarking. I didn't use mindgames unless I was sure the opposition player would react badly (young, poor determination and composure), which was confirmed by drop in morale and player has reacted badly to manager comments.

Now for the biggest weakness in my game, I don't know how to react when I notice that the other team changes. If they play narrow I use exploit the flanks (which is quite obivous) but other than that, I don't know what to do.

My fixture list. As you can see, only draws and loses (early in the season but after all the losses in finnish league and hours spent in the game I just can't play anymore). My match stats for vs Stade vs LOSC vs Toulouse vs Lorient and vs OM.

The games that really bother me are LOSC and OM matches.

Against LOSC:

They played 4-2-3-1 with MCs instead of DMCs. I was leading 0-1 on HT. They changed to 4-4-2. And scored 3 goals between 59th and 68th minute. First one was made by their MR from a cross when my defence was packed in front of my own goal and DL wasn't tightly marking MR like he was supposed to. Second goal was a header by their striker who was great in air (jumping 17 vs DCr 15). Cross came from the same wing as the first goal. Third was from a freekick which my gk deflected and all my players stood still and waited for the enemy to run to the ball and shoot it in.

Against OM:

They played 4-2-3-1 with MCs. I used my counter tactic with exploit the middle, play out of defence and work ball in to the box. I was leading 3-0 in HT despite being concidered underdog. My Assistant Manager said I sould be pleased - Players reactions. They changed their AMC to a striker so my DLP became zonal marker instead of man marker. They clearly started to press more and I lost possession from around 55% to 49% so I dropped deeper (was this a mistake?). Then they scored 3 goals in a space of 8 minutes. Haidara (DL) and Luiz (DC) were changed after this (Haidara conceded a penalty and Luiz had his rating drop to 6.0).

To be honest, I don't know what to ask :D

I just don't know what to do with the game... Some general instructions how to react to the game would be nice. What to do if enemy starts to press more? How to stop their fullbacks and wingers? They have been tightly marked and hard tackled, is this a proper way? Why my players make inaccurate passes and don't move towards the passer to get the pass but instead the enemy runs from behind and gets the ball? Why my players don't close the opposition goalkeeper even though he's been instructed to close down always (well they do close him down but first they have to run 15 meters towards halfline before they go pressing him).

I don't want to throw away all the hours I have already spent to this game but at the moment it just feels like I can't do anything right... When I stopped with the finnish premierleague game I just halfassed and kicked everyone out of the team, used greyed out players in a formation they had never used and won and drawed my next games... So yeah, kinda sucks to try to play properly but getting wins seems to be impossible :(

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I understand some of your frustration with 2013. It does seem much harder to get the team to play satisfying fluid football but this might just be because of the way the 3d match presents the game to us compared to previous versions but i've lost count of the times i'v facepalmed during a match due to the seemingly stupidity of the players such as watching them stroll towards the ball when in a dangerous position only to get skinned by an oncoming attacker.

Saying that im doing well with side of younsters in the prem having taken club from championship and when it goes well its very satisfying but like many i have to tweak constantly during a match which is time consuming and find it very hard to play attacking without my team getting turned over, regardless of opposition. So i use def away and counter at home, if i attack a weak team at my ground they suddenly turn in Barcelona and i concede without getting any possession.

I use 3 formations - 442, 41221 and 4231 and always look at opposition report prior to the match, but just when i think ive got it sussed i beging to struggle. Maybe this is the way it should be but I dont wish to spend 30 mins on comprehensive anymore in order to babysit the team. Often i score first with 442 but change to 41221 as 442 will leak goals aftewards - this can work well.

One other thing i find does work, if the opposition play 2 upfront man marking each specific striker with CD's works well, likewise if they have an odd number in attack zonal marking works well (this was the same in prev versions of FM), so maybe try that to tighten up the defence.

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well i'm no expert but i don't find fm13 frustrating. maybe i've grown as a player, i don't know. my team has low expectations anyway, so mid-table year one is considered over-achieving.

like sleepy 01 i stick to 2-3 tactics, and one for at home, where i expect to try to win, and one away where the intent is to shut out a team and hopefully hit them on the break or nick a goal. so i play 23212 (could be called 41212 with wingbacks or 352 or 532 or whatever) at home, with only a backline of two i can employ an offside trap.

away from home just a normal, conservative 442. it's meant to be the easist tactic to grasp and i'm using it because until i fully understand every nuance i won't consider myself "good" at developing tactics.

someone (could have been SFrazer) once said keep it simple, if you have a decent (ie. tc created) shape, nothing too out of the ordinary, then it'll be the sum of the attributes on the pitch that makes the difference.

i'm spending v.little money, just making sure at one end i have players who can score goals, at the other end i'm focussing, based on watching pre-season, at defenders who have an aerial presence, and in midfield players who can either protect the defence or get the ball to the front. really is that simple. i look a lot at mental attributes. becasue my teams will have bad patches it's 50-50 an EPL squad and i want some heads in there that will keep going thru the bad patches.

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I've deleted some posts from this thread as they have nothing to do with tactics at all. If you want to provide constructive criticism then we already have threads for this which can be found in the general section of the forums.

This forum is for helping and aiding people as well as a place to discuss how the game works and share our findings. It is not a place for bitching moaning or pointless negative posts. The game is far from perfect but in here we'd rather concentrate on what does work and try and help the user. Any more negative or pointless posts and they'll also be deleted.

P.s this wasn't aimed at bbull or RTH :)

Now back to topic.....

I just don't know what to do with the game... Some general instructions how to react to the game would be nice. What to do if enemy starts to press more? How to stop their fullbacks and wingers? They have been tightly marked and hard tackled, is this a proper way? Why my players make inaccurate passes and don't move towards the passer to get the pass but instead the enemy runs from behind and gets the ball? Why my players don't close the opposition goalkeeper even though he's been instructed to close down always (well they do close him down but first they have to run 15 meters towards halfline before they go pressing him).

Tight marking and hard tackling is a good way of stopping wingers and overlapping fullbacks. However your players must be capable of carrying this instruction out though or you rish giving freekicks away and getting yello/red cards.

Can you post some screenshots or PKM's of the players passing issues please? It'll be a lot easier to see the issue then :)

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Im with issis on this one. Cleon do you watch 90mins worth of virtual football every game? I sometimes do and those are the only games i can win. If i use extended highlights i cant react to what ever changes AI makes thus making my tactics very useless. Watching every game makes the progress REALLY SLOW but at the sametime its the only way for me to win. This year it feels like there is no one tactics and instructions to stick with until AI cracks it instead im trying to crack AI's tactic every single game.

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Sorry it took so long to answer, haven't been around the computer which had my saved game.

The problem isn''t as common what it felt (like the passing stats suggest :D whole team averaging around 80% so I souldn't really complain that much) but here are the screens.

My number 9 has the ball while number 2 makes a little forward run

Number 9 makes the pass in this kind of a situation

And the outcome is this

Kind of annoying but I guess it's just poor anticipation from my player and good for theirs.

Is my assistant manager reliable on the team talks? With 14 Man management and 15 motivation I guess he should do okay... But atleast on that OM match the drop in form for my players must be due to the teamtalk I gave on halftime :<

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