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Should I sell?


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I'm in 2012 and in 2008 I signed a fair few hot prospects, they are now older and wanting first team football which I can't give them at the moment and clubs are sniffing around.

I have:

Matthew Connolly

Aurelien Teaudours

Robert Brady

Mark Randall

So should I sell them or do they become good players?

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Thanks mate, Conolly is very slow and will get skinned by the likes of Torres.

Randall lacks the very high stats in passing and dribbling so I'll try and sell him.

Teaudors is out on loan for another year.

Brady isn't at the level of some wingers at his age, crossing and dribbling are pretty low and some of his physical stats suck, 2.5 million to Stoke sounds like a good deal.

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If you havent sold them yet, then when you do offer them out, negotiate a deal for whatever money + some sell on fee + (and this is very important) a buy back clause. Because in a few seasons if you notice the he's improved a lot, you can easily buy him back without having to pay ridiculous money. Just put the buyback clause at the cheapest you can and the other club usually accepts. :thup:

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