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Parma - The team that just doesn't work together.

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Hello there fellas. I'm currently on my second season with Parma, I won the Italian cup and finished 16th in the league and now I'm on my second season and I'm currently at 11th. I'm

having HUGE problems to find a tactic that works for my team. I have tried ALOT of formations and different tactics but my team is underperforming badly.

Those are my current players:










Defensive midfielders:



Central midfielders:




Offensive midfielders:













I just can't seem to find a formation that works with my current players. Any tips and suggestions for tactics would be greatly appreciated, because in my eyes this is a team that

should finish top 10 every season, not in the bottom half :/

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Use 4 man for defence unless you have a good reason not too, this is just the easiest and probably you and the average player here have the most experience with it.

That leaves midfield and attack, easiest imo is to start with the strikers now because they will force the rest of the team into shape (it really narrows down your options if you want to use 2 strikers i mean). If you have 1 star striker you have different options than if you have 2 star strikers if you get what i mean. Using 4 in the back and 2 strikers 'forces' your team to play the flat 442, diamond 442, 41212 or 4222box, 4312 type tactics unless you want to try something crazy which for obvious reasons isn't the smartest when you are still in the process of learning: in other words start easy and keep it simple.

If you have 1 star striker and 1 decent striker it might be best to play 1 striker and use the decent one as backup.

Now look at your wingers: are they better at playing from MR/ML or from AML/AMR? Put them there, I would keep it symmetric though, again to keep it simple. Now look at the last guys, the DMCs/MCs and AMCs. Personally I always play with a DMC but if you dont have one you can make 1 mc defensive, personnaly I also don't like playing a 4231 with 2 mcs because this asks a LOT from the mcs, so I'd prefer to keep things defensively solid by using a DMC or 3 MC's.

(another disclaimer: 442 with using an AML/AMR is harder to create than 442 with ML/MR)

Now you should have the tactical outline but not the roles. Reason I tell you this is because everyone who reads this topic just seems to copy the 41221 including settings, shouts and roles. (which i did too at some point in time, cept for the shouts :D) It is better if you decide the frame yourself based on your team and then decide on how you want to fill in the roles and the kind of mentality/passing etc yourself based on the ideas from this topic. It's one of the greatest tactical topics ive ever read.


Now so far I havent looked at your players (please add names too) but if you make a tactic setup and post a picture here I am sure people will give tips.

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Its hard to see. Cant zoom in.

One thing though: if you use a 4231 like this your MCs have to be really good. Mentally, defensively, tactically, technically. Thats why i prefer playing with a DMC, it almost instantly makes your defense more defensively solid.

If you use a 4231 I would want the MCs to play pretty static. Behind them is your teams weak spot (along with the space between the backs and the AMs on the sides). I'd play with an MCd and maybe a DLP-s. At least afaik you DONT want these players to make forward runs or close down too much because that will pull them out of position leaving gaps for enemy midfielders making runs and for AMCs.

Check where your goals come from. Goals coming through the centre are probably because of this.

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Grats. Counter works great or at least is easy to use.

Keep thinking and analysing. Improve slowly, dont overthink like me and don't panic when results change suddenly. That means the opponents see your succes and stop seeing you as an easy game and thus play differently against you.


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I am playing as Parma and I am now into my 2nd season, I managed to finish 4th and get to Italian cup final which I lost in 1st season. I played a 4-3-1-2 or 4-1-3-2 formation as I thought this suited Parma better as they looked strongest in the middle of the park, Parma don't have the greatest players about so I sold quite alot in my 2nd season and brought in players to suit my formation. To help with your tactic I would say its pretty attacking so I would change the CM-S to CM-D and the two WB-S to FB-S, also I would try and settle on a formation as chopping and changing your formation unsettles the team, try and sell the deadwood and bring in the best players you can to suit the player roles you have chosen.

Good Luck.

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I am playing as Parma and I am now into my 2nd season, I managed to finish 4th and get to Italian cup final which I lost in 1st season. I played a 4-3-1-2 or 4-1-3-2 formation as I thought this suited Parma better as they looked strongest in the middle of the park, Parma don't have the greatest players about so I sold quite alot in my 2nd season and brought in players to suit my formation. To help with your tactic I would say its pretty attacking so I would change the CM-S to CM-D and the two WB-S to FB-S, also I would try and settle on a formation as chopping and changing your formation unsettles the team, try and sell the deadwood and bring in the best players you can to suit the player roles you have chosen.

Good Luck.

Wow 4th place? That's nice. I'm sitting at place 5 in my current season, semifinal in the italian cup, won the first game vs Juventus with 1-0, I'm also through to the knockout stages of the EURO cup. Got a fairly easy draw actually.

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Well done mate looks as if your tactic is working well now.

Well it was, I finished 2th in the league, 27 points after Juventus. Out in the semifinal in the Euro cup. New season is already ruined for me, I'm 9 points after Juventus who are impossible to beat at the moment

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Well it was, I finished 2th in the league, 27 points after Juventus. Out in the semifinal in the Euro cup. New season is already ruined for me, I'm 9 points after Juventus who are impossible to beat at the moment

I finished my 2nd season and finished 3rd I also won the two italian cups, I know what you mean about Juventus though they seem unstoppable in my game too, they have won the league twice and champions league twice in a row also winning some cups as well.

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