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What is the next must have edition after FM 07, if any?

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I've been playing FM 07 for a good few years now and if ever there was a 'canon' career, that is it. However in that time my charity shop buys, at from 'free' to £2 each, have included every edition up to 2011 (and 2012, but of course the Steam code has been used so is unplayable). Perhaps I will never stop playing FM07 permanently, but after enough time, the latest editions are going to be vastly improved with awesome new features, so I'm gonna want to try it out.

So in short, has there been a major leap and evolution (and a consistent and good edition) since FM 07 yet, or are we still waiting for another CM 01/02 or FM 07?

In particular I'm thinking of leaps such as in the match engine (obvious examples being going from writing to a 2D engine and then, if it's been done properly, 2D to 3D), things to do in international football (extra competitions, staff and player interactivity, the effect of hosting and seeding on the national game), media and people interaction (press conferences, personal feuds and history), tactical depth (from the CM days of picking a formation and maybe the odd individual orders, to intricate sliders, to assigning name roles) and so on.

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I've been playing FM 07 for a good few years now and if ever there was a 'canon' career, that is it. However in that time my charity shop buys, at from 'free' to £2 each, have included every edition up to 2011 (and 2012, but of course the Steam code has been used so is unplayable). Perhaps I will never stop playing FM07 permanently, but after enough time, the latest editions are going to be vastly improved with awesome new features, so I'm gonna want to try it out.

So in short, has there been a major leap and evolution (and a consistent and good edition) since FM 07 yet, or are we still waiting for another CM 01/02 or FM 07?

In particular I'm thinking of leaps such as in the match engine (obvious examples being going from writing to a 2D engine and then, if it's been done properly, 2D to 3D), things to do in international football (extra competitions, staff and player interactivity, the effect of hosting and seeding on the national game), media and people interaction (press conferences, personal feuds and history), tactical depth (from the CM days of picking a formation and maybe the odd individual orders, to intricate sliders, to assigning name roles) and so on.

Sounds to me like FM 2012 would be a good fit

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Fm11 was my favorite. The changes to the media in twelve were poorly done, and the thirteen match engine has improved but is still a work in progress.

Ye, I vastly enjoyed having my players turn from Superb to Abysmal morale overnight due to a single manager comment in the media that they should barely care about in the first place.

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I also played FM 07 for many years, passing on the others until FM10 was in the bargain bin. Got everyone since then, and I think FM13 is the way to go. Obviously if you haven't touched the others, the advancements are going to be amazing. It's the first edition since FM 07 that my first tactic hasn't wiped the floor with most teams, and I'm finding very enjoyable. Get FM13!

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I'm also still playing 2007 and considering to buy a newer version, so forgive me for using this thread to ask my question. What's very important to me is that everything feels believable. I'd hate to see kangaroo scores all over the place. A 4-5 score has to be something special for instance, unless we're talking about the reserves or the Barbados league. I also want that teams have a league position that feels natural. Of course there can be upsets, but I don't want to see ManU and Arsenal battling to stave off relegation in 2015-16, while West Ham and Sunderland are slugging it out for the title. And expect that there's a good chance the next Ronaldo/Ronaldinho/Messi ends up at Barca. Is FM13 any good in this regard? Or is FM12 or one of the older FMs better?

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FM2012 as the more stable match engine (ME). I'm not saying is the best, mas it's very balanced and you dont have surprises with it (good or bad).

FM2010 had one thing that i loved... the transfer system was great! You could actually train your regen from youth academy, and see one of the big sharks come and beat the release clause. Never saw that again... unfortunately.

FM2013... is the best game so far. Better graphics, great user interface (UI), a transfer system almost as good as the one from FM2010. The ME is much better, when compare with the one from FM2012, but it's still lacking some balanced.

Because of that, you can have great games, where your team plays like you want them do to... and the next week they play like some crazy chickens. But we must not forget that there is a patch coming out very soon, and another one in February... so this issues will be probably be fixed untill then.

I always think that the last FM is the best... but with FM2010 and FM2012 you will have a lot of fun too!

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I'd recommend playing the next one, FM2008. :D That added some great features to an already brilliant game in FM2007 and really took the series to a dizzy height it's never replicated since.

It's considered by many to be the last bastion of 'old' FM, where gameplay came before all else, like 'hardcore' tactics/training and other silly features that 'modern' FM has had since.

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The ME is much better in any version from FM11 onwards. Interaction also improves.

I like the shouts, which are a quick way of implementing an instruction you want to use a lot, and similarly the roles. Unfortunately they aren't customisable yet.

So get the most recent version you can. If you are buying second hand then 9/10 times that will be FM11, unless you can find an unopened FM12 or later.

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I was just looking at the review aggregation sites yesterday , and FM10 is the best reviewed critically and user wise.

Metacritic :

FM10 C 87% U 94%

FM11 C 85% U 87%

FM12 C 84% U 78%

Fm13 C 82% U 67%

The same trend can be found on other sites that allow user reviews and/or aggregate critical reviews. Interesting that both users and critics think the series has been declining yoy.

I find it really difficult to go back a version , so for me 13 is the most feature complete version (even if it's not the most fun). I think FM14 might be the next one that becomes a fan favourite, if Paul and Co can get the ME up to scratch , a few tweaks to player development and regens coupled with the usual updated DB etc I'm sure 14 could be a classic.

Saying that , jumping from 07 to any version is gonna seem like a massive leap, I'm sure you could find enjoyment in any of the recent titles.

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Sounds like I'll be sticking with FM 07 then, though certainly at some point I'll be trying the other FMs and CMs. I hear that at least in international football there are more competitions.

If you are in no rush, then I would wait for FM13.3. I think its very good now, but still plenty of areas to sort out, and if as expected most are sorted then it will be a standout. Think 13.3 or possibly FM14 will be one that lives long for FM fans in the way that FM10 did and does.

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Some interesting discussions going on here and in other threads on the forum. I'm interested in creating an update for one of the 'classic' FM/CM games which has led me to research which is the overall most popular game in the series, at least on these boards. :)

I did a recent poll and have now expanded upon it following feedback to create this thread/poll, so if you're interested I'd be grateful if you'd please vote (it's multiple choice if you can't decide on your absolute favourite game :D) and leave a comment about your decision or anything else you want to say. Thanks. :)


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