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When to use short or direct passing + other instructions

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I've decided to take a more active approach to tactics after spending years just downloading plug and play tactics. After reading Cleon's tactics discussion page I have started a new game with Ac Milan. I've set my team up like so (almost identical to Cleon's Spurs team).


I've setup the team instructions based on what I think I understand about them. However, I'm only about 30% sure that i'm right.

Passing style

Am I right in thinking that Short passing is for teams with relatively poor passing and Direct is for teams with that are better?

Is passing style directly linked to your team strategy or can any style be used with any strategy?

Closing down

Naturally this is linked to your teams average workrate but when should and shouldn't you use a pressing style? Is it linked more to the way your team is setup to play or more to how your opponent plays?


Basically my questions are the same as above? When should you tackle hard and when should you tackle easy?


Again, as above. Naturally marking is linked to marking and positioning attributes but which style should you use based on your players and the team setup?

I've asked far more questions than I was intending to but I realised how little i knew.

Any advice for dummy like me would be most appreciated.


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Passing Style:

I use short passing sometimes when I am playing narrow and trying to control possession or kill a game off. So, I wouldn't say that it is always for a poor team. That said, going more direct opens up options for your players. They will still pass short if it's the best option, but will look further afield. I would use direct unless you are misplacing a lot of longer passes, regardless of the strategy. More important probably to the decision is the match stats, and your width, honestly.

Tackling: again, you have to see if tackling hard is putting your men out of position without winning enough balls. I watch and see- if my tackling stats are poor, or I am playing a team with a lot of width, I stay on feet to keep defensive shape better and have players where they need to be when launching a counter. Again, it is down to how your team is and how the match is playing out.

Closing Down: I use default and rarely press hard unless I can mirror the opponents formation closely. Otherwise my guys were getting pulled all over the place. Workrate is a plus, but again watch where it is putting your men. No good them haring off in various directions and exposing your team.

This is probably not the greatest most incisive advice, but I've been picking up a lot on the forum here and really getting into watching my matches and using the analysis tools to see what is happening out there. Hope it is of some use to you.

Marking: I use zonal and only man mark using OI's (which I use sparingly- the consequences of too many OI's or poorly chosen ones are devastating IMO). The man marking for me seems too aggressive. I've heard it explained as zonal on steroids given the way the match engine implements it.

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It depends on more than just the ability of your players; formation, the roles and duties of the players within the formation.

Closing down:

Opposition. If they are able to pass the ball around fast enough, you'll just end up with a tired team.


Take in to consideration the ref. Also again, if the opposition is good enough you'll end up your players tackling themselfs out of the game.


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Answer highlighted in red:

Passing style

Am I right in thinking that Short passing is for teams with relatively poor passing and Direct is for teams with that are better?

Short passing if your formation is very central focus and prefers to clog up the middle, or else your wide players may not see much of the play. I use short passing when opposition formation is play very wide and there are loads of room in the middle where I can play narrow and bunch up. Direct passing is good when you see your players making runs or is in open space but never gets the pass because they are too far for short passes.

Basically put, unless your formation is specifically tailored to clog up an area of the pitch, passing style should be changed with shouts on the fly in game.

Is passing style directly linked to your team strategy or can any style be used with any strategy?

Refer to above. Direct style style means more faster passes towards opposition goal and less sideways passing even if it means booting the ball up the field, so if you are in a hurry to score direct passing would speed things up regardless of strategy.

Closing down

Naturally this is linked to your teams average workrate but when should and shouldn't you use a pressing style? Is it linked more to the way your team is setup to play or more to how your opponent plays?

Lots of pressing works in two ways, either you press their defense very heavily and win the ball back very quickly, or your formation is pretty much lined up with theirs and you press man to man. If your formation is different and you can't win the ball back before it gets to midfield, you risk your defensive line being pulled out of position and open up for those killer through passes.


Basically my questions are the same as above? When should you tackle hard and when should you tackle easy?

Tackle hard usually works when you are pressing heavily since you are trying to force them to make mistakes.


Again, as above. Naturally marking is linked to marking and positioning attributes but which style should you use based on your players and the team setup?

Marking should be left in default (unless you are tactical genius). Unless there is one or two danger players you want to shut out of the game you can instruct someone to man mark them. When I press heavily to win the ball back in opposition defense, I man mark their FB with my wingers to cut off the keeper's short passing option while my striker and AMC press their CB for example. My taller than average CM can win headers once their keeper tries to boot the ball up field.

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