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Punching above my weight, Need tactical advice.

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Brief history of my current save

I have been sacked from two clubs my third club St Albans, Is when I decided to invest more time into reading the guides here. It paid of very well and I have taken my club from Blue square premier south to league 2, winning the FA trophy on the way. The board love me and everything is rosy.


I just gained promotion to league 1. This is where my problem starts. I feel I have risen to fast the club don’t have the money to compete in league 1, over the last few years I have bullied the board into investing money into my youth project, inspired by Cleon's Ajax thread. Our pitch was in a very bad shape to and the board agreed to lay a new one. This has taken a lot of money out of the club money that we did not really have. So this year I got to break even or make a little bit of profit or the club could get into trouble. Wage is low for league 1 and no transfer money. My current team are on long term contracts so I don’t think I’m going to lose anyone but I feel I need at least 6 to 8 new players to be competetive in league one, this however will not happen. So my aim is a season of stabilising the club and avoiding relegation.

I do have a few very talented youngsters coming through but I feel this season will come too fast for them. They will however make me a lot of money in two to three seasons. The rest of the younglings I will keep as they are good for our level.

My formation. Team instructions


I used this formation for many years and built my team around it. I don’t really have much option for changing it. This is what my team suit to. It has worked pretty well and its my adaption of a 4-2-2-2. It is a littler leaky though, I was able to outscore must teams in league 2 and below which got me into the plays off. I need to tighten this formation and make my home ground a fortress.

Tactical analysis

This is a area of the game i still yet to master.

As you can see crossing is not a big part of my game. im more about passing and working the ball into the box.



pass completion.


pass Intercepted.


pass of out play.


Pass block



The 3 year plan

This year In league one my first time around 2.5 to 3 star ratings. I don’t want to concede goals and snatch victory’s by making a hard to beat team thus avoiding relegation. . Next season i try make some money from my talent and improve my side. The third year I would like to adapt my formation and go for promotion.

first time posting something like this. if i missed anything out you want to see let me know. Thank You :)

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Just a quick glance and I would ask why you aren't using a counter strategy? Your formation is one I use as a secondary one, and it is really suited to play on the counter where the attacks are focused up the middle. You should be outnumbering the opposition midfield most matches, and so should have space there when they come at you- you know they will being that you are a newly promoted small club. The team will play narrower and deeper with the counter style, which suits your formation and your condition. Shout to use should be exploit the middle (also drop deeper if you are outpaced on defense). Also why pressing more? It seems you will be facing a lot of 4-4-2's and their variants, which can be quite wide. You are narrower, and pressing more against wide teams will pull your men out of shape and create leakiness.

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First of all congratulations on achieving those promotions - it's a fair step from BSS to L1 - you must be doing something right - back your instincts and take any advice with a pinch of salt.

Second - I would be really honest with yourself and the strengths and weaknesses of your squad - the people who got you this far - can they step up? Without breaking squad harmony - cash in on anybody who isn't core to your plans going forward. Look at free transfers (you should have started in January) and identify anybody who will fit your system (unless you are planning to change it). One of the advantages of your system is you only really have 6 outfield positions (DR, DL, DC, DMC, MC and ST) so you can probably get away with running with a slightly smaller squad when the injuries come in - thus keeping your wages down. There are always bargains to be had - but you need to move quickly with free transfers - they are a bit like the property market - the best ones go quick. Senior pros are often very pragmatic when looking for one last contract - they could do a job for you for 12 months - and you might find you can convert some into player coaches. Also check out any promising youngsters that might be available on loan from Premiership teams. At L1, you might find more of them are willing to go on loan to you - you want season long loans on zero wages/cost. If you can shift a couple of players that might pay for some free transfer wages. With regards to your youngsters, you might find they can step up - and that 1st team exposure will accelerate their development. Good luck.

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There would seem to be little point in him posting in here if that is the case?

I actually agree with Cyder. He's got this far and has done a great job, things don't suddenly stop working so he should stick to what hes been doing because he's been doing things right to achieve the promotions.

I also agree with the first line of his second point too.

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Thanks for the replies.

The club is broke. My falt lol. im listed as a club icon and i used this to my advantage when i wanted something from the board. I thought the only way St Albans could sustain itself in a higher division was growing a good youth setup. twice a year a i bullied the board into funding youth training and senior training and our pitch was awful, could only play a long ball game on it so i bullied them into giving me a new pitch. the board spent alot of money on the things i want, higher wages for backroom staff and more of them.

What i have now is are excellent backroom stuff head youth development and assman. and the coach's required to develop top youth. The downside is my youth players are still one or two seasons away from the 1st team and two of my youth will go to prem clubs im sure. but i got to keep the club afloat longer enough to get the return in the investment. I dont have the funds to sign anyone I looked for some loans but none will improve my team.

My gut instinst tells my first team is not good enough for league one. League one is a pretty big step . i looked at the other teams in the league and my squad dont stand up. im in pre season at the moment spending alot of team working on the squad and the tactics. i need to stay up. In myself i feel like a novice still, so i posted here to see if anyone can spot a weakness in my setup. I know we good going forward but im pretty we going to get run ragged in defence. Oh my GK is not very good lol, I have had trouble finding one i like.


Im with a standerd strategy as i was not very confident in setting up the tactic with any other strat. so im came here fishing for idea's.

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I also would be interested in general principles for how to play defensively when you are completely outclassed. Ie a review of team comparison has you 21st-24th in all stats.

Eg formation to use, I guess more in defense / mid, only 1 up front?

Style to use, perhaps Defensive?

Direct or short passing?

Train attacking set pieces?

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I also would be interested in general principles for how to play defensively when you are completely outclassed.

This is why I posted in response to the OP: I have recently been in that spot, and am still sort of with Livi. I opted for a counter style- as Cleon, Lam, and others have detailed elsewhere, it doesn't have to be a defensive tactic, but it can be, and I like it because I can go either way. General principles for me were to keep it tight: counter style, balanced, everything on default, but tailoring the matchplay using shouts. Drop deeper, stay on feet, stand off were typical for me. I generally am outpaced by the opposition forwards, so drop deeper (has the added advantage for the counter-attack in that the oppo will push even farther up sometimes, leaving space), stay on feet to avoid my guys missing tackles against more skilled players and getting caught out, and same for stand off- keeping shape and position in front of their men instead of pressing too early and again risk getting burned or pulled out of position.

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I'm no expert but here's a few things I would try. I've just got Wycombe promoted to League 1 so it's a roughly similar situation (not quite the same, but Wycombe are still small fry in League 1).

1) In Reports, look at the comparison tab to see how your team compares to the rest of the teams in the league in different areas. I did that at the start of the season, for example, and discovered my defence is poor in the air but very fast compared to other league 1 teams. This means I will be weak against crosses and set pieces but can hopefully minimise the number that I'm up against by playing a high line, which my defence can cope with due to good positioning and pace. My GK is also very good in one-on-one situations too (better than aerially) so I want to encourage the opposition to try and break my D-line through the middle.

2) If your squad is thin loans are brilliant. I found in League 2 that there were no end of very good players who would come to me for free with no wage contribution required. Your reputation will probably be smaller than Wycombe's so may not have as many options but you can really fill out your squad and get a couple of very good starters this way. I find young players perform better than disenchanted older players

3) Free transfers, as others have mentioned, though you'll find wages prohibitive and will have to look long and hard to get players that fit your wage structure that can provide quality. Older players, as has been mentioned, will generally come in for a year for low wages and do a job though, with the additional plus that you can use them to tutor your youngsters.

Tactically I'm not very bright, I'm more about transfers and youth development so I can't help much there. Those passing charts bring me out in a cold sweat though! I hate seeing my defenders and keepers pumping it long, though that is, admittedly, because it never works for me due to having teensy tiny strikers and wingers.

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