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recemondation for future fm's

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how about on each players screen you get to set there specific tactics instead of having to tinker on the player tactics every time you make a substitution for a different type of player you could have the option to use the settings you already had or the players own settings

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I agree this would be useful. When you set Opposition Instructions you can set them either to the specific player or to the position, I think it would be good to be able to do that in Tactics for your own players too. Whilst this could be done by saving a new tactic you could end up with dozens for all the different permutations if you like to micromanage.

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Hi there, sorry I'm a very newbie here, but a veteran in FM/CM's world :cool:, played CM since 1996, where there is only English league, the last FM I played was FM 2008/2009, I know it's because licencing issue, but, please, is there any possibilities to put J-League properly ?? Thank you sir... you've been my best buddies for over than 10 years, and it's keep continue till now :)

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What about versatile players who you might want to play a different role depending on the type of opposition you are playing or the game situation?

It's not clear cut enough for this to be feasible. The current system of subbing a player then changing his role is hardly a chore as it stands.

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Recomendations and things like that really should be going in the Wishlist thread which is only a few threads down from this one.

I 100% agree, but sadly it is not what the rules say -

Suggestions for future versions

Individual ideas on one subject should still be posted in the wishlist thread, however if you want to discuss your idea with others please create your own thread. Please name your topics sensibly and give an indication of what it is about. For general ideas or a list please use this Wishlist topic. You can view some older suggestions here

Edit - looks like he did fall foul of the requirement for sensible titles - and should be punished!

The rules need changed - wishlist thread for all!

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