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In inspiration of Madminister's Stuttgart story - My long quest to master the game.

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First of all i would like to apologise for any spelling mistakes you might come across in this post, you might think its a 11 year old Russian doing a reasonable job of typing in english, but no im just terrible at spelling. Ok thats one apology over now to the next one.

Madminister- I have always wanted to talk about my FM game from strach and place screenshots up for everyone to see and give me advice on how to move forward and improve how i see and play this sometimes compelling sometimes irritating sometimes

.......... of a game. But after seeing how you have done yours i hope you dont mind if i pretty much do the same. My sincere apologies if you do.

However more on me and my past FM games. I Have been Playing FM since its CM days when i was a young boy and didnt take the game so seriously and back then nobody really did " did they" ? It was fiairly easy to put a tactic in place, as long as you go the decent enough players you should be on the track to success. However proberbly since FM 2009 everything seemed to change. Formations,Tactics,Teamtalks,Training, all had a major say in how well you do in the game, gone off the days your Man utd go out and buy Batistuta for 18m and sit back and watch him tear defences to pieces. Now FM have gone deeper, deeper than ever before.

Now every couple months i sit down in front of my laptop load up FM and i say to myself "Im going to start a new game and this one i am going to do properly and understand what im doing wrong, and learn from my mistakes. Im going to take my time with the way i set my team up,I am going to watch the whole game on full and make changes to improve how my team are performing, this is going to be the one !!"

Pretty much along those lines, however after the first few friendlies i change my ways i start downloading tried and tested tactics to get ahead, let my assistant take team talks,training,press confrences while i go on holiday for 2 weeks and let the tatic do its stuff. Please FM Forum friends (FFF) Please dont let me go back to this again. I really want to succeced at this game. Now as a Massive adictited football fan, i really dont no that much about tactic and how they work, i dont no much about how to set up a successful training regime either, but i like Madminister will hopefully learn as a go along, So with the little knowledge that i think i know, im am stripping everything back and going back to basics, This is it guys, this is going to be the big one, all i ask of your is for your help and wisdom, for you to guide me to hopefully me reaching my dream since i was a 10 year old boy.

A great quote from Madminister : I’m pretty sure experts such as Cleon, wwfan, lam and all the others started at the same point I’m at. I’m willing to bet they had a learning curve as well. In fact, I believe if you ask them they will tell you they still have much to learn. The best teachers are those who realize they have yet to learn more than they already know.

Like Madminister i will start with a few screenshots off how my team compares to the rest of the league.

I have decided to start pretty much at the bottom and try to work my way through the league to reach the top, so even though my thread is pretty much close to the Stuttgart one, My team is Kidderminster Harriers of the Blue Square Premier. I thought if i am going to do this properly then lets making it challanging. Now enough of the waffle.My Team report :



In the Blue square premier there are 24 teams. As you can see My Harriers are the best in the stregth area (notice this for later) also which my team are impressive at are our teamwork and work rate, this is good for my because at least i know my team are working hard and for eachother this should hopefully bode well for the season ahead, Passing and first touch are also high.

Negatives are Poor leadership (14th) and low aggrestion (17th).

Conclusion: Looks like my team are hard workers which should help with our determination to do well in every game, Being a strong team might be helpful when tackling and closing down the ball, (to shrug players of the ball) ?????

Also with Our passing and first touch being high. Does this mean we should be comfortable in possesion, and should look to pass the ball around with confidence ????



Here you can see the plus signs of a good defence unit, Basic defenders i belive (tell me if im wrong) should be decent at Tackling,Marking and Heading as a rule. As you can we score high on those 3, also positioning (also important) pretty high.

Negatives however are our speed. This to me is a blow because i like have my defenders pretty speedy to counter fast attackers, which now days more and more forwards have lots of pace. Also which i commented about above my team overall are the best in the league for Stregth, but as you see my defenders are 14th !!! I am confused because are my other strong players in midfield and up front ?? i have never seen this before in a team, and i am stuck to think how i can use this to my advantage. (any help on this matter would be great)

Conclusion: Pleased to see my Defenders have the basics, so it should be a solid foundation to build on, however the lack of pace worries me, which like Madminister i think i might have to have a deep back line and stand off my opponents to make sure we dont get court in behind. is this true ???



Pretty happy with my middle boys. We come in at 1st place for stamina which i like, to go with the high work rate and teamwork, i could use this to let my midfield close the ball down in the middle to win the ball back and then use our high passing to keep the ball way from our opponants, What do you think ??? Negatives : Decisions (11th)

Conclusion: So my midfield look good at passing which proberbly means i can use a mixed passing game, however the poor decision making worries me, because (correct me if im am wrong) when my team have the ball it look like they are capable of passing it around nicely have great technique to make the pass, but doesnt the low decisions mean the dont no when to make the killer pass ???? To me if this is the case is a bad thing because even though i like nice tidy passing i do like a cutting edge to feed the forwards. Again any help on this matter please .



MIxed results for my forwards i looks like. High Finishing mark is promising and good to see my forwards are decent in Moving about to find space. However the down side is again the lack of pace and Anticapation, also surprising to see poor jumping mark (14th) beacuse 4 out of my 5 forwards favoured roles are a Target man.

Conclusion: Looks like if i do get balls to my forwards there is a high chances it will be converted, But disapionted to see the lack of pace again, Looks like i might have to use at least one target man to hold up the ball and feed it to a more advanced player.

Quick question : If i use a target man and another forward in a more advanced role ie AF or poacher, would it be better to have an AMC behind the 2 Forwards to give extra support in attacks ???

Ok, Ill be back later to add what team instructions i have drafted out to fit the players i have, and then i will put screenies up of my team as i try to get to know my players.

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Ok, this is the first drapt of my team, i have just done the team instructions, i have also left the sliders alone, as im going back to basics, want to start from scrach, and think its best to leave the TC to do its magic without me willy-nilly changing sliders about.

I also havnt changed the formation or any roles in it, If im honest i think i will go with a 4-4-2 base but the roles will change im pretty sure about that.

Now i need to get to know my players and staff.

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If you see my squad above i have spotted 5 players that are 4* rating that a proberbly or at least in my assistants mind our best players in the team and they are nicely spread out across the field which could be the spine of my side.

They are DC Ryan Austin, DL Mickey Demetiou, MC Kyle Storer, MC Jack Bryne, ST Jamille Matt.

Ok like Madminister. i will go through my team By Position order:



Danny's Personality is Resolute which is good, i like that in a player, Danny has been at Kidderminister for the last 3 years so is settled in the team, His Kicking is a highlight, however i do like my GK to throw the ball to a near-by defender, i think it helps with keeping the ball more and starting attacks, he has good reflexes also, hoever poor rating for one on ones, but overall for a confrence keeper he isnt too bad at all on first impressions, might look to improve his Handling but i fear he is too old to improve a key attribute like this, is this true ??


Oh dear !

Nathan's A "Fairly Professional" keeper, He looks like he has played everywhere in non league football, Harriers have just got him on a one year deal, as you can see his attributes for a keeper arnt exactly brilliant, reflexes (7) throwing (5) more importantly Handling (4) !!! He is a good communicator though, unfortunatly he might be doing most of his communicating on the bench.

I proberbly could replace Vaughany for a better backup, i will see what is around, but hopefully Lewis has a injury free season and this lad can see out the rest of his contract. Will definatly be trying to improve his handling even if its by just one mark.



Former Birmingham and Pompey trainee right back Lee Vaughan has a Balanced Personality, a decnet right back for a BSP team, my assistant has rated him a 3.5 *. His PPM's are Gets forward whenever possible and Dives into tackles.

Lee has decent attributes in crossing, tackling and work rate, natural fitness and Stamina but lacks in pace to get up the field, not sure what to ask him to do here because he loves to get forward when he can but with accerlation and pace at just 9 it might take him a while and if we get caught on the counter im worried he cant make it back, so i might rain his runs in a little bit, also he like to dive into tackles and his tackling attribute isnt to shabby, so i will be keeping an eye on how many of these tackles he is winning before i ask him to tone it down.

I will be looking for Lee to improve his Anticipation and Positioning during training.


Mickey Demetriou - Fairly Determined- PPMs Shoots with Power. Mickey has been with the Harriers over 2 years since his year at Jerez in Spain. My assistant really rates our Mickey but his Favoured Position is at left back, how can do a job at right back so that why he is my back up. He prefers a wing back role, however due to his poor Physical attributes he might be better off playing as a full back, because (correct me if im wrong) but you need to get up and down the pitch to be a successfull wing back ?? Mickey is a tryer though, he has good workrate and teamwork attributes, and with a free kick rating of 11 and a PPM of "shoots with power" it might be a weapon to use. I will be looking to improve Mickeys Stamina over the first season, for a 22 year old we should be able to see some progress.



Proberbly my first choice left back. See above for more details.


Former Welsh under 21 international, 25 year old Mike Williams - Balanced personality- PPM Gets forward when possible.

again, another full back that has poor physical attributes stamina,pace isnt great, neither is Mike's anticipation and positioning, However Mike does have good tackling and marking attributes which i might make good use of, especially away from home when we have a tricky winger to deal with. Think i will be intresting to see who wants the Left back position more between Mike and Mickey. Will look to try and improve Mike's Stamina.



Ryan Austin- Balanced- PPM's Shoots with Power. Marks OPP Tightly, Hits free kicks with power.

Ryan has poor marking for what i expect from a Centre half, but has a good tackle, is strong, and jumps well.

He is a new signing from Burton Albion and is on a one year deal.

my assiatant rates this guy a 4* as a limited defender.

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Morning all, Just got a spare few hours before work to put few more players on, so here goes.


Im really quite excited by Sharpey, His personality is fairly professional so i might need to tutor him with someone more resolute. Tom has no PPM's.

He is an ex Nottm Forest youth and looks promising for the future. My assistant thinks he has a potential for a 4.5* player. Good attriibutes include heading and Marking, Has a satisfactory rate of tackling,composure on the ball and concentration, but he needs to work on his stregth and jumping abilty.

Overall he should develop nicely if i can treat him well and we can keep bigger clubs away from him, as i have seen Hamilton in Scotland are intrested already, Obvisouly will be work on trying to improve his stregth in the first season.


Josh Gowling - Balanced- No PPM's. Josh is quite a journey man for a 28year old has experience playing in Leagues 1 and 2, 3* rating however my assistant doesnt think he can improve in the future. Is a new signing for Lincoln in the summer.At first glance he needs real work at basic defending, ie, Tack,Mark,Head. He is another one on a one year deal, i will have a look at him in the friendlies coming up, but i feel Josh will be a backup for the season and more than likely be moved on when his contract is up.


Cheyenne Dunkley- Fairly sporting (what does this mean about him ?????) - No PPMs.

I did my own digging on this guys i came across this http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/18302436.

In the game my assistant reckons he can be a top BSP defender in the future, with potential of 3.5*, however he needs hard work to improve his basic defending, and more than likely needs tutoring by and more exprienced pro. one to watch though.



Keith Briggs- Fairly Professional- PPMs, Shoots from Distance, Argues with Officials.

Now this guy really is a Journeyman. The Harriers are his 9th club, I have found out in real life he plays as centre mid and gives them experience through the middle, however Keith is our only Natural right sided midfielder, which makes me think maybe a 4-4-2 isnt the best way to set-up, (but a lot more to sort out before then). Only has a 2.5* rating and more than likely will not improve his poor physical attributes. Will proberbly look for another right winger to give him competition.



Callum Gittings- fairly Professional- No PPMs

Callum might be used a my utility man he can do a job all across the back 4, and almost everywhere across the middle, however he does prefer on the left on midfield, he has good crossing, works hard for the team, and is determined, However i will want him to work to improve his defending in case he needs to track back to win back the ball or if he is covering a player in the back four.



Marvin Johnson- Resolute- No PPMs

Though i would post a pic of this guys coach report as well, he looks a player for the future if i can treat him correctly, the problem is he really wants to play in the AML position to use his high Crossing,Dribbling and pace scores. My assitant thinks he could be a player in league 2 in future so i need to keep hold of him, will have to keep an eye on him to see if he can do a job from ML position. Will need to improve his stamina if i need him to keep bombing up and down the flank every Saturday.

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Paul Hurrell - Balanced- No PPMs.

A former Harriers Youth team captain, can also do a job at right back, hoever his physical skills are not up to scrach, the only thing good that stands out at the moment is that he can pass a ball and see's himself as a DLP, i might use this kid as my hamster to try and improve into a decent little player, give him few games in the first team, maybe loan him out for 6 months to get few games. Need to work with him on the training ground too, to improve his poor physical attributes. My assistant says he should to improve in the future.


The Panther ! - Determined Personality- PPMs : Plays short passes, Comes deep to get the ball, Dwells on ball,Dives into tackles.

Manny was playing in league 2 with aldershot last year, he has really good physical attributes which i will look to use, he also likes to play as a BWM, which i might use him for, Looking at his detminaton, work rate and teamwork and his age, i was thinking i might have found myself my Captain, however his influence rating is poor which quickly changes my mind, which is a shame, I like the Panther dont get me wrong he has stuff to improve on, but i might get his to just train as a BWM to improve the attributes he needs.


Danny Pilkington - Fairly Sporting- PPMS : LIkes to run with ball through centre.

Danny is younger brother of Norwich Winger Anthony, Capable of playing AMR,AML,AMC or as a SC, Plenty of options here, but i dont think Pilko will be the first name on my teamsheet, unless he improves his tecnical abilty soon, His flair is a plus and physical he is sound, i need more from he when he has the ball at his feet. I might be wrong but i can see him assisting my goals for my team this season.


James Vincent - Professional - No PPMs.

I like this lad. He hasnt got bags of talent, but he will put in a shift for you, Vinny can play all over the midfield and wing back positions if need be. He is a good dribbler, hard worker, play for the team, and will run all day long for you, he prefers to play AMC behind the forwards, something i will be testing out in the friendlies, however will need him to work on his passing and also his decision making is very poor, im worried he will find that he has dribbled past 3 players and then struggles to find that killer pass to my forwards. That something i need to look at there.


Kyle Storer- Balanced- PPMs : Argues with officials,Dives into tackles,Tries long range passes.

Intresting player this, Because even though on first looks he looks like he will be a player that you will tear your hair out over him, however i love players like this, To me (correct me if im wrong) having a player with high teamwork,work rate,stamina,Aggrestion,bravery, means he will give you everything to win a football match, he will put his body on the line for your team, however i am aware that at time his PPM "dives into tackles" with a tackling rating of just 9 is a bit risky, and with his 17 rating aggrestion and his PPM "argues with officials" i am aware he might cross the line once in a while but for me its worth the risk, Klye also has a good range of passing and high flair which should make him comfortable on the ball , Yes ??

I do know though that i will have to calm him down in team talks on occation and ask him to to fly in too often, but i am looking forward to working with this lad. Also he came through the youth ranks at leicester before moving down the divisions.



Jack Bryne- Light hearted- No PPMs

Again i thought ill add his coach report here as well, as i thought its worth a look, this looks a player who is too good for this league, and a weapon i would like to use wisely, Jacky has good mental attributes, proberbly the best in the squad, decent physical as well, however his technical is a bit of a let down apart from his passing,first touch and technique, which are three of the key things i need him to have, looks comfortable on the ball however worried his decision making will let him and us down on occasions. But Looks like a starter for me.

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It would help to put all your questions in one spot or highlighted so its easier to see, your thread is quite long and since people have short attention span / or not a lot of time, it would be polite to make it easier for them to get straight to the point (it would help to get more feedback this way).

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What has worked for me is putting some screenshots together showing what you make of the information. After the comparison screens I put a shot together of how I would imagine team instructions and shouts. That gives people something to offer feedback on. The visual aid really helps.

One thing that won't help is complaining about the lack of feedback :D

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Ok. Mind you I'm not an expert so here are just my thoughts about what I would do.

I would go with counter or something else with a deeper D-Line just like you have. Standing Off also sounds like a good idea to avoid getting caught on the break. Your team is slow, very slow, but do have decent positioning. Since you have the best man-markers in the league that sounds like a sound idea as well. The thing I'm wondering is why you've decided to go with "Float Crosses." I was under the assumption that worked best with tallish forwards who were good in the air. You have decent heading in attack, but your jumping is just about as bad as your acceleration and pace.

That's one thing I believe you certainly need to improve! looking at the comparison screen it looks like your best bet is to pass the ball around until a forward happens to walk into a good position. Fortunately you have good movement, the problem is that it takes a while to get there.

Having said that, I find the comparison screens can only take you so far. You need to look at the individual players, which you are doing. Although the average of your attack may be slow and unable to jump there might be that one striker who excels at either of those and that can make all the difference!

That's my thoughts, make of them what you will.


Ok, this is the first drapt of my team, i have just done the team instructions, i have also left the sliders alone, as im going back to basics, want to start from scrach, and think its best to leave the TC to do its magic without me willy-nilly changing sliders about.

I also havnt changed the formation or any roles in it, If im honest i think i will go with a 4-4-2 base but the roles will change im pretty sure about that.

Now i need to get to know my players and staff.

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cheers guys, i will in furure highlight my questions a lot clearer, and i do know i do ramble on sometimes which might bore a few ppl. Madminister, i know i hant put any of my forwards screenies up yet but 4 out of the 5 i have prefer to play the role of a target man, i do have a few few are over 6 ft. The question is If i have players who prefer to play as a target man and a taller than the centre back i am playing against, should jumping reallly come into it, i know it help if they can jump but if they are simply taller than my opposing centre half and have similar jumping skills they should win most of the headers ??? Thats pretty much why i have chose float crosses, every team i have been so far in FM13 i have told the to drill balls in, but i have never had some many target men in one squad, i thought this could work. However i will see how it works out in the friendlies.

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Richard Penikat- Fairly Ambitious- No PPMs

Im calling this guy my head scratcher. Richard is on loan from Fulham until just after the new year, My assistant raves about this lad, but im not so sure about him. He Prefers to play as a Target man, but also he can play equally well as a AF or Poacher. Now the problem i have is, What do you think is his best role ? His physical attributes are pretty good, his heading could be a little bit better for a target man, However im not happy with his Finishing (8), composure(9), Anticipation (7) and off the ball (9). Can any one help me with this guy ? am i missing something?


Steve Guinan - Balanced- PPMs: Argues with Officials.

Steve Is another journeyman, and is bringing his career to an end and the Harries at the end of the season, He looks a good pro, and i will be using him in the last season proberbly more from the bench, and to tutor one of our younger guys. He looks a decent Target man, or DLF. Great Mental attributes, and if possible would like him to join my backroom staff at the end of the season, because he could become a decent coach.



Jamille Matt- Fairly Professional- No PPms

Jamille looks a decent player, he is strong , good finisher, Prefers to be the target man (again), He has decent pace (14) but just takes him a while to get up to speed, He really needs to improve his heading abilty, that something ill be pushing him into, and also not the best mental attributes but he is only 22 and hopefully these will improve with time. More than likely a starter, if he impresses me in pre-season. In real life just moved for 300k to Fleetwood town.http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/20978108


Ryan Rowe- Balanced- No PPMs

Rowe is a decent backup nothing more. He can play any forward role within reason, has a decent finishing attrbute, good work rate, streth and stamina, In training will work on his quickness, and composure.



Anthony Malbon - Balanced- No PPMs

Saving my favourite till last. Ant looks a finisher, likes playing as the poacher, he is the best finisher in the squad, fairy pacey, good composure, if you look at his coach report has potential to be a LEAGUE ONE Player (and a good one at that). I want to keep him around, Play him as often as possible bring out the best in him. Looking forward to see how many goals he can score for the Harries. Ill be working on his stregth first off all so he doesnt get shoved of the ball to easily.

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cheers guys, i will in furure highlight my questions a lot clearer, and i do know i do ramble on sometimes which might bore a few ppl. Madminister, i know i hant put any of my forwards screenies up yet but 4 out of the 5 i have prefer to play the role of a target man, i do have a few few are over 6 ft. The question is If i have players who prefer to play as a target man and a taller than the centre back i am playing against, should jumping reallly come into it, i know it help if they can jump but if they are simply taller than my opposing centre half and have similar jumping skills they should win most of the headers ??? Thats pretty much why i have chose float crosses, every team i have been so far in FM13 i have told the to drill balls in, but i have never had some many target men in one squad, i thought this could work. However i will see how it works out in the friendlies.

Pretty sure that height is already taken into account in the jumping stat so a tall player will have a high base jumping stat with some variation either side to reflect his 'spring'. In my Wycombe save I have Daryl Murphy playing as a left IF and he has 16 jumping and 14 heading in League One so I set him to target man with 'head' instructions, set my crossing to 'float' and had my RM and RB aim crosses to target man. Seems to work ok (though neither my RB nor RM can actually cross very well *sigh*)

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Hello, Just finished my pre-season with my Kidderminster side, and results and performances looks promising, have a look at the results.


Im extra pleased with last two games against stronger opposition, against Swindon we were much the better side and should of won by more than two really. The Ipswich game was also good however very different to the Swindon game, as for most of the second half we had our backs to the wall, but our defence held firm.

Match stats from Swindon game :


Match stats from Ipswich game, I must add Ipswich started with two reserve strikers, but at half time, bought on Scotland and Emmanuel-Thomas. which really put us on the back foot.


I tried a few different tactics during pre-season, But i found most success was with my 4-4-2:


So this is the tactic i will be starting the season with, and hopefully it will be a successful season ahead.

Just a quick message, i heard from Madminister in one of his earlier posts, reading about Cleons "full 90 minutes" thread. I must say with a notebook and pen i have made serveral notes and took a lot away from this post, and if anyone is struggling to find ways how to correct things that are going wrong on Matchday then give this a read. because this has really opened up my eyes, and during pre-season i have taken this onboard, and used it against Swindon and Ipswich, and i reaped the rewards im hoping this continues, but with Cleons help i have really thought differently on how i am now watch the matches in full for the first 20 mins, pausing games to check how my players are positioned and listening to my assistant more.

I dont want to jinx myself and my game, but i getting a feeling im starting to fall back in love with this game.

Speak soon guys, will be posting about my 1st 3 league games next, once i have completed them. Stay tuned.

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Hi guys there has been a change of plan. While play a few game with My kidderminister team i decided i wanted to play with a team in a higher division, i am not wimping out, but i would really want to learn how to play this game properlt first before attempting right from the lowest tier in english football, so i have started a fresh and have become Leicester city manager, i will start put on screenshots of my team i have taken, very shortly

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the team depth:








Im really surpirised by this. i eas expecting to see the leicester squad be much better in the comparisons here.

If you look on all postions, there is quite a few attributes we are extremly poor in. (Passing,Teamwork,Leadership)

Looking at this, How do you think i should ask my team to pass the ball, because if you see the team overall has the 2nd worst passing in the league, yet if you look at my midfield they are the 5th best passers in the league this has through me really. Do you think i could have my defenders and att on very short passing to limit the risk of losing the ball, and let my midfield pass mixed, and just leave the team intruction to mixed ????

My defenders are very slow, but very powerful and have good basic limited centre back attributes. If i play with two slow centre backs is it wise to drop my defensive line to deep, and use the pace of my strickers to counterthe opposition ?

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