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The ideal PPM per Position/Role

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Well it differs really depending on who the player is and what role you actually want him to do in a particular system. As each player will play the role differently based on his attributes, so unless you have identical players then there is no ideal PPM for the role/position.

You should look at the player and the way you play then you should know what his ideal PPM's for you and the job he does would be. My ideal PPM's for my system and set up more than likely wouldn't suit you one bit and so on.

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As Cleon said there's no particular set of PPM's that are "right" for a player, it all depends on the player and the system he plays in.

To give an example: the ball-playing defender. If you're playing a counterattacking side you might want him to try killer balls often, try long range passes and switch the ball to the other flank to start quick counterattacks, but when you're playing a high-pressing, high d-line offensive tactic you're much better of having someone who can stay calm on the ball, bring it forward from the defence as your midfield will be close to the opposition's. So in this case runs with ball through centre, get forward whenever possible and plays short simple passes may be better suited. Your mileage may (and will) vary, of course.

In the end you should just use your gut feeling. Watch matches, see what you think is missing or can be better - I often have thoughts like "I just wish that player did X or Y now". If that is a regular occurrance change the PPM's or individual instructions to that end.

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wingers - run with ball down x flank, hug touchline, get forward whenever possible, knocks ball past opponent, curls ball. absolutely unlearn any instance of dwells on ball.

full/wing backs - get forward whenever possible (support/attack duty), does not dive into tackles, knocks ball past opponent (support/attack), short simple passes (defend duty)

centre backs - plays short simple passes, plays way out of trouble (very good technical defenders only)

centre mids - comes deep to get ball, shoots from distance, dictates tempo, killer balls often. unlearn plays short simple passes.

amc - killer balls often, curls ball, shoots from distance, hits free kicks with power

strikers - places shots, hits shots with power, plays with back to goal/stops play (target men/deep lying forward only), likes to round keeper, gets in opponents area, likes to lob keeper, curls ball, runs with ball often (poacher/advanced forward only)

they need the required attributes to learn the PPM though. anyone with 15 throwing+ should learn long flat bullet throws.

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