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World Player of the Year always from PSG or Lyon

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I have been playing in my career for 8 seasons, and every single year the WPOTY award goes to a player from PSG or Lyon. I'm not entirely sure, but I think that it's the same thing for the runners up.

By the way, I don't have the French league loaded.

Does it happen with anyone else?

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Lol, that happened to me on my Verona save.

When none of my players have done enough to deserve that title, it went to Sirigu (PSG goalkeeper) in the first year and Thiago Silva (PSG defender) in the second year.

I don't know if that's just a coincidence or a bug..

When I looked at their ratings for the season, they didn't seem to have done all that well with ratings of around 7.5 iirc.

But on my third year (when I started winning the big tournaments) and after that, my players have won them.

I've also never had players from other teams (other than mine) win it with my Barcelona save.

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