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Quick editor help needed!

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I've posted this in the editors hideaway forum, but I need a quick reply so hopefully this won't get closed!

I've created a club and entered them in to the Blue Square North division and removed a team from the division, however when I try and start new game, on the 'choose nations' screen, it has England greyed out and says "require maximum of 22 teams for Blue Square Bet North, found 23". Upon checking in the editor, there's still only 22 teams! What have I done wrong?! Thanks in advance!

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Hi, 1. remove a team under "teams"

2. Check under "teams for next season" and make sure there are 22 not 23.

3. Then, go up to "file" and open the "validation" to make sure all leagues are valid.

Under validation, the editor will tell you if there are too many teams in a league.

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