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How do I stop my players looking nervous....

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I'm currently playing in the second season of a BSS save, and although the first year went pretty well (making the playoffs), this season, I am struggling and trying to work through some tactical issues.

Anyway, the issue that I can't seem to get away from at the moment is my players 'looking nervous' all through the game. I have the opposition and my own team widgets up through the game, and while the opposition always seem to be playing well, and looking confident, pretty much all of my players are having a breakdown!

I am very careful with my team talks, and I never have any bad reaction to these, so I'm confident this is not an issue, but I'm at a bit of a loss as to why it's happening every game, and what I can do to try and sort it out...

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Team talks are a delicate issue. For pre game talks, what I pick would coincide with my team form, individual player form, individual player media handling style, the betting odds and also what I had said to a particular player in the previous game or during private chats. For half time talks, I look at the teams' ratings and give a general talk depending on whether im winning/losing compared to what the betting odds were, then give a personal talk to those that need it.

What do I mean about those who need the personal talks? There are times when a particular option might seem like the logical choice but actually a poor choice. For example when my striker has a rating of 7 at half time. Now, the logical thing is to pick something along the lines of being pleased and he should continue doing well. However, if I were to watch the game, I will see that he has indeed been playing well by doing everything a good striker should do except that he has been wasting all the chances that were created for him. In this instance, I would tell him that I'm very unhappy with him instead. Usually this would send him back onto the pitch with either a seems motivated or even a fired-up response.

Another example would be the same striker having a 6.5 rating at half time. The logical choice would be to say that youre disappointed with him. However, if you watched the game, you'd find out that he was deprived of service from my creators. In this instance, I like to say that I have faith in him and instead tell the creators to buck up.

At the end game talks, I would apply the same logic as at half time. When the next pre match talks come about, I will consider what I said to that striker the last time around and adjust accordingly. And so the cycle continues.

This might not answer your question as there are many more things to consider, and I'm sure someone will come along to add on to this.

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Look at your overall pass completion. If its a relatively low percentage, tell the team to play passes to feet and retain possession. Hold on to the ball and build confidence up. Nervousness can come from pressuring them to feel like they need to score. When a more patient approach may work better.

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