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Please can someone check my 4-4-2 to see if it makes sense

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As per the 12 point plan, you have the right player roles idea correct. Whether its right for you and your players or not is a comepletly different discussion. The guide is there ... well as a guide :D, If those work for you then great but it should be moulded to either how you want to play or what players you have. Say this a lot but square pegs and round holes dont work..

You havent mentioned if what youve created is working for you or not. Have a test, if it isnt working come back and tell us why.

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You need to play deeper , be more direct, more disciplined , stick to position, more agressive in the tackle, stand off, and have 4 center backs in defence, 2 pacey wingers and 2 anchors in midfield then a 6ft 5 target man and work horse upfront it works best it's the swansea way

oh and time wasting set ALL the way up

The Swansea way

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My advice is try it out and see.

At the end of the day all you really need is a tactic that will get you where you are expected to finish in the League in the 1st season.

After that it is merely a question of bringing in better players and watching your finances.

There are a lot of myths floating about this section. Don't overcomplicate your approach. And don't expect to be champions in your 1st season. You don't have to be. :D

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My advice is try it out and see.

At the end of the day all you really need is a tactic that will get you where you are expected to finish in the League in the 1st season.

After that it is merely a question of bringing in better players and watching your finances.

There are a lot of myths floating about this section. Don't overcomplicate your approach. And don't expect to be champions in your 1st season. You don't have to be. :D

What myths?

i agree don't overcomplicate it though

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1. Look for weaknesses down your right flank. You have a deeper DR and two attacking Midfielders on the right. That means there will be space between them all. You might need to push your DR up at times either throuygh a higher defence line or through a higher mentality. Personally I'd have probably opted for the MCR to be (D) and keep the MR (A) thus your (D) covers the right space, whereas on the left you'll have two deeper midfielders.

2. Are you looking for your DL to overlap your ML? If so, you might want to consider a more defensive role for the ML such as a defensive winger or a midfielder left (orwhatever it's called).

3. If you do not change point 1, then you willl need to be aware of how your MCR(A) and your DLF(S) occupy space, there is a danger they might sit in similar positions.

4. In FM12 I had great success with a flat 442 but I tried to stagger the vertical lines - perhaps an example. My DR and MR were (A), my MCR and FCR were (D/S). My MCL and FCL were (A) and my DL and ML were (S)..... to a certain degree. This creates nice triangles int he team where you occupy most lines on the field. I recomended this to someone else a while back and the same day they posted a fantastic goal which demonstrated perfectly what I had been trying to explain.

When you look at roles and duties, just try and work out where they will be when they get the ball. I know it's silly but I try and work this way just to start with. Attacking roles move forward two spaces, support one space, defence no spaces. Players in the FC line in a (D) or (S) role drop back one space.


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Hi everyone

Thank you so much for your advice so far.

I have made a change of switching the MCL to Attack & the MCR to defend.

It does appear to have made a nice change & even my attacking left back seems to be playing better.

My aim issues seem to be that who ever I play as a DLF is useless. Also I seem to conceed too much for my liking as my defence don't seem to understand how to defend.

Is it that having balanced & standard are my main problems? Does this leave me too open?

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Hi guys

Just a quick update.

Since the latest ME update things are looking much better for me.

I made both of my fullbacks on a support duty which has stopped some of the counter attack goals I was condeding from happening.

MCL set on attack is playing really well :)

Even my DLF is doing some great things now.

Thanks again for all the advice!

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