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Improving my 4-5-1

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Im looking to people with more tactical experience than myself to see if they think my tactic whas the players gelling well or if there is a couple things i could change to make it even better.

I always start a match on the Standard settign and change in game when needed. I play fluid short passing with zonal marking.

GK - GK - Defend

LB - Full Back - Auto

CD - Central Defender - Defend

CD - Central Defender - Defend

RB - Full Back - Auto

CDM - Defensive Midfielder - Defend

MC - Ball winning midfielder - Support

MC - Advanced playmaker - Attack

AML- Winger - Attack

AMR - Winger - Attack

SC - Complete Forward - Attack

I have had decent success in previous FM with this tactic and doing well now but I though that I could poss improve on it more possibly by changing the CDM to and Anchor man then changing my Ball winning midfielder to a deep lying playmaker.

Any advice greatly appreciated

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As just mentioned in a post a couple of mins ago its really hard to see what your after without posting more details...

How are you doing with the tactic?

what do you feel isnt working?

What players?

What team?


Hard to make a call with a lack of info im afraid, different strokes for different folks...

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hi cheers for the replys.

having the players to play the positions is a must I am aware of that and will only play a specific way to fit those players in. What I was after basically is with the set up above assuming i have the players to fit in is the team balanced or would making a couple changes to the roles make it more balanced.

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