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Just a general enquiry really.

For many years now, I have believed that you only really need one physio at the club and it is as no added bonus of having more than one. My question is, now that you haave the option to appoint a Head Physio, does the same theory ring true or did it never ring true.

Also, what are other attributes to look out for apart from the obvious physiotherapy?


Dan :cool:

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What they are supposed to do and what they actually do are two different things.

For me I just leave the Chairman to appoint one because I don't believe they matter that much.

When you think about is the Man Utd physio really much better than the Bury physio in real life? They have the same qualifications roughly.

I believe the physio basically just gives information on how long a player is out for. The better the physio, the more accurate he is. They are not medical miracle workers.

Some people will disagree but I have tried with physios rated all 20's and all 1's and have noticed no discernible difference other than accuracy of prediction of recovery.

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What they are supposed to do and what they actually do are two different things.

For me I just leave the Chairman to appoint one because I don't believe they matter that much.

When you think about is the Man Utd physio really much better than the Bury physio in real life? They have the same qualifications roughly.

I believe the physio basically just gives information on how long a player is out for. The better the physio' date=' the more accurate he is. They are not medical miracle workers.

Some people will disagree but I have tried with physios rated all 20's and all 1's and have noticed no discernible difference other than accuracy of prediction of recovery.[/quote']

So why can we have 6 Physios in a team and onlu 9 coaches for exemple? If this is right I really don't see the point in wasting Money with physios...

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The more physios you have the fitter your squad stays. Main benefits:-

1) Less injuries in training

2) Quicker recovery time

3) Less chance of same injury reappearing

4) Players regain match fitness / condition quicker

5) Youth players have a lot less chance of becoming injury prone

So basically having more physios is a must if your'e are a big team

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This is from the FM13 online manual:


This attribute is exclusively for use with Physiotherapists. Having a Physio with a high rating in this attribute is something you should always look to have. If possible, have at least three Physios with high ratings for this attribute to ensure your players receive high-quality treatment to both prevent and rehabilitate injuries.

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The more physios you have the fitter your squad stays. Main benefits:-

1) Less injuries in training

2) Quicker recovery time

3) Less chance of same injury reappearing

4) Players regain match fitness / condition quicker

5) Youth players have a lot less chance of becoming injury prone

So basically having more physios is a must if your'e are a big team

Has this been confirmed by SI or by any kind of empirical evidence?

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Has this been confirmed by SI or by any kind of empirical evidence?
I am also eager to know, as it is something that affects your save quite a lot

yes, it has been confirmed, if you just do more reading with thinking...

This is from the FM13 online manual:


This attribute is exclusively for use with Physiotherapists. Having a Physio with a high rating in this attribute is something you should always look to have. If possible, have at least three Physios with high ratings for this attribute to ensure your players receive high-quality treatment to both prevent and rehabilitate injuries.

so apart from point 4), rest is confirmed in my opinion

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yes, it has been confirmed, if you just do more reading with thinking...

so apart from point 4), rest is confirmed in my opinion

Well, i don't see how that confirms points 3,4,5. This http://www.thedugout.net/content/articles/item,101,9,1,The_Physiotherapist.html is from FM11 which suggests that at least back then it didn't really matter how many physios you employed.

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I despair. In terms of answering the op, the quote from THE OFFICIAL ONLINE FM13 MANUAL is THE answer. What's more relevant the official manual for this game or an unofficial post from 2 games ago?

I have checked the FM11 manual and THE ANSWER was exactly the same back then and it turned out it didn't ring true when actually tested. Why should we believe that now it is? Really, should we all understand what the Physios do with just a couple vague lines of text? As the OP says, do the other attributes like Determination, Man Management or even Reputation affect the Physio in any way? What about part-time teams, do we still need those 3 physios?

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I have checked the FM11 manual and THE ANSWER was exactly the same back then and it turned out it didn't ring true when actually tested. Why should we believe that now it is? Really, should we all understand what the Physios do with just a couple vague lines of text? As the OP says, do the other attributes like Determination, Man Management or even Reputation affect the Physio in any way? What about part-time teams, do we still need those 3 physios?

Didn't ring true according to who? One article in the dugout that admitted a small sample size? Yeah sure. Listen, I couldn't give a toss what any of you do, I have as many physios as I can. The op asked a question, I answered it, thats all. If you all want to contest whats in the manual then be my guest and run the tests. I'm out though. Cheers.

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I'm getting tired of the constant bitching from SMSL and Edgar. I suggest you either ignore each other or sort your differences out. I've lost count of the amount of threads you have both ruined this week. Anymore and you'll both be given time off the forum as its unacceptable now.

If you want to discuss it further then PM me.

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I'm getting tired of the constant bitching from SMSL and Edgar. I suggest you either ignore each other or sort your differences out. I've lost count of the amount of threads you have both ruined this week. Anymore and you'll both be given time off the forum as its unacceptable now.

If you want to discuss it further then PM me.

Didn't mean to cause a fight :(

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Don't worry about it Oakes, it's just some other members acting out.

I'm glad we have moderators such as Cleon who can sort things in here.

The query at hand is relevant; it would be nice to know with certainty what the physios affect in game.

The manual claims that physios contribute with preventive treatment, as well as post injury treatment.

This would mean that your squad will stay more fit, and benefits a lot from several good physios.

The 'urban legend-like' word on these (and other) forums says different.

According to the common knowledge, the physios' only real function in game is to determine the length of injuries.

The better the physio, the more accurate a prognosis.

To me that is quite a difference!

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I know a physio who used to work for a league one club.

He says his role was to treat injuries and provide training for players who are returning from injury.

They cannot prevent injury, no more than a player can.

How the game interprets physios I don't know. I can make an educated guess.

A high physiotherapy stat along with the same mental attributes require for a coach should minimise the amount of time needed to complete "light training"

More than one physio would just reduce the workload or increase the clubs specialisation (he specialised in joints. Knees ankles etc)

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I know a physio who used to work for a league one club.

He says his role was to treat injuries and provide training for players who are returning from injury.

They cannot prevent injury, no more than a player can.

How the game interprets physios I don't know. I can make an educated guess.

A high physiotherapy stat along with the same mental attributes require for a coach should minimise the amount of time needed to complete "light training"

More than one physio would just reduce the workload or increase the clubs specialisation (he specialised in joints. Knees ankles etc)

This is true, though injury commonly happens through poor fitness, the likes of sport science people and fitness coaches being the main influences on fitness IRL.

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This is a recurring topic on this board and seemingly still no consensus has been reached. It makes me wonder why SI doesn't want to give some more insight regarding the game mechanics of FM, allowing people a better understanding of the game?

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