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Patching approach - my personal opinion.

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Hi guys,

I am writing it to express my own opinion about the aproach taken by SI and also to hear Your opinions.

This time I'll be rather polite (since I'd love to read Your responses faster than a month later :p).

I am really disappointed with the way FM is being updated. Both as a user and IT related professional I would like to point out that there are several types of bugs/issues and I can't understand why these are considered equal in this case. I mean, ME is way more complicated than some parts of game mechanics therefore I'd suggest to take different approaches to different kinds of problems. I can see ME not being fixed immediately because it requires a lot of testing - since change in one place usually affects the whole engine, but for example the loan bug (You may have experienced this one, if not take a look: http://community.sigames.com/showthread.php/345596-Never-ending-loan?p=8518676) and other "minor" issues could be fixed real-time with no harm to the rest of the game (especially if it was spotted already within the game mechanics, so they should by now know where the issue is produced). And because we all use steam - this fix would be automatically applied.

So my question in this case (and a little suggestion) is why not to fix those small, uncomplicated bugs just "now"? I didn't go through bugs forum, so I can't bring any other examples, but I assume there are many issues similar to this one that could be fixed and are making the game unplayable in some sort of way.

And what do You think?

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i think this thread is gonna get closed soon, but i will qualify it for the challenge http://community.sigames.com/showthread.php/346584-New-Patch-thread-challenge!

on a serious note, i cant imagine anyone saying "no, its bad idea, you're wrong" :p and i wonder, i know patching games on xbox can be very expensive (from what ive heard, gamemakers have to pay microsoft thousands of dollars to put patch on the servers... this, in theory, should prevent from releasing half-finished games)

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You picked a pretty poor example to use as a "minor" issue, since it doesn't seem to have been fixed anyway going by the topic you linked to.

There's nothing really wrong with the way updates are handled already, as it mirrors how things work in the real world. If there's something absolutely crucial that is broken, there will be a hotfix, no question. If it can wait, it will wait for a scheduled release. Updating the game every time they find a tiny bug is asking for trouble.

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There's nothing really wrong with the way updates are handled already, as it mirrors how things work in the real world. If there's something absolutely crucial that is broken, there will be a hotfix, no question. If it can wait, it will wait for a scheduled release. Updating the game every time they find a tiny bug is asking for trouble.

This sums it up, it happens that SI are IT professionals too ;)

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