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Help with a 4-4-2 formation

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Hi folks, I’m looking for a bit of advice on a tactic I would like to create. I’m not the best at understanding the match engine to be honest.

I would like to create a 4-4-2 formation that primarily attacks down the flanks via wingers in a direct fashion. Below is the idea I have for creating this.

Poacher (A) Target Man (S)

Winger (A) Central Midfielder (D) Central Midfielder (S) Winger (A)

Fullback (S) Central Defender (D) Central Defender (D) Fullback (S)

GK (D)

I was thinking of using a rigid and balanced strategy with passing set to more direct. Using zonal marking and setting the passing focus to down both wings. Possibly ticking the counter attack option as well.

What do you guys think? Would there be any player instructions you would set and do you think the two strikers would link together well? I know quick and tricky wingers with good crossing would be required. Do you think I would need an attacking midfielder in the central area? Or would that leave this system to open in the middle of the pitch?

Many thanks for any feedback.

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If I were you I would read up the 4411 thread. Whilst the discussion is over the 4411 system, that tactic isnt very different from the 442. Furthermore opting for a more direct formation isn't hard, its entirely up to what you have available.

A lot of people think that setting passing to direct will equate to a fast moving tactic down the flank. Passing alone doesnt do that, the right players do. Players that run off the ball, players that have good teamwork, anticipation. Good passers of the ball, several players may need ppms..So its a whole system you want to consider, and a lot is covered there. You can also read up on Cleons, Understanding the Tactic discussion as well, on how people select players for roles. Its a start, and once you can illustrate what you have vs what you want then its easier.

Finally you need to stick to your guns. A lot of times people claim the tactic is busted, even when its made logically. They assume wrongly that the system is flawed or the engine has kinks. That cant be further from the truth. What you should do is get the right players for the job or train them. On top of that and this is something few people ever consider - if you want a fluid attacking tactic (not fluid in terms of philosophy), you really need to consider training players for multiple roles in the same team. For example I play a 4411 but my ML is trained as an AML and as an AMC. I think the added attributes that you train help since there will be times in the game when players interchange positions, this allows for a lot of fluid movement across the pitch. There are very few people who actually pay attention to this fact, and i reckon for me personally its one of my cornerstones of my tactical systems.

Good luck

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I used pretty much the same tactic, and it was going great. I just prefer BWM(S)/BBM & DLP(D) in the middle, it allows me to field very attacking wingers (though on support duty) without worrying about defense.

@rashidi1 I am using a 4-4-2 diamond, direct, control and fluid with TM(S) on the left and AF(A) on the right both right footed, my TM usually gets caught on possession because he can't cross/pass with his left. So I was wondering whether I should play the AF on the left or right? I wouldn't want my AF to stop crossing either. The players are Rondon and Suarez by the way.

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As a 'bog-standard' English-style 442 sounds absolutely fine. Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication (or something like that ;) )

With a nice simple system like that it becomes more about who you pick to fulfill those roles. Simple systems let players shine so you could use free roles and plenty of creative freedom (even if you went with the rigid system), this would, of course, depend on the players but it sounds like a good idea to me.

If you're going to pick a team then try and get one that would be suited to playing this tactic so that you're not trying to bang square pegs into round holes from the get go. Give yourself a chance to see what you can do.

I'd probably look for hard-working, non-flashy chaps in at MC who cover the ground and do the basics well. Get a nice pairing of speed and strength up top with the quick guy a great finisher and the strong guy a bit of creativity and then focus on getting good wingers who can perform how you want them to.

You'll need to pay close attention to your width and depth to ensure that you can continually give your wingers the best chances of playing well.

Given that your stars are on the wing I wouldn't be worried about having the odd manual tweak of their roles when the situation dictates (if you're happy and confident doing this of course). Some times you might want them cutting inside, crossing less but doing more with the ball, other times you'll just want a traditional winger role.

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