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Strangest / Funniest Injury?

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What's the strangest or funniest injury a player has had in your game? One of my players has just gotten "Osteitis Pubis" and was out for 10 days with it. At first I thought it may have been a result of over-zealous sex but it turns out it's actually reasonably common in athletes!

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This thread went a bit off-topic, but I'm sure there was at least 1 other identical one in there as well in the search function.

I only remember so clearly because I laid into someone's immaturity for thinking "gashed leg" was funny, then later realised that gashed can mean useless and had to come crawling back cap in hand to accept it is quite funny.

edit - oh it was that one

Seems that scott MUFC has long held his opinion that whiplash is funny!

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I used to add my own. Good for a chuckle.

Broken nail.

Rectal breach.

Squidgy nut syndrome

Missus not let him play


Paper cuts

Man flu


Woodworm in wooden leg

Cheesy toes

Bad hair day

Fungi behind the eye patch

Amputated leg

Potatoes behind ears

Square eyes

Sprained wrist and temporary blindness (yeah that lol)

To name a few. I also added all the conditions from the theme hospital game.

Read this above but in the way of the game "<player> is out for 3 months with <insert affliction>"

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