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Boardroom Takeovers

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How long does these normally take?

Am currently in my first season at Portsmouth, and have had my transfers locked down since mid september, now mid December. Every week or so I get a message saying it's looking close or on the rocks but nothing more has happened.... Is this normal? As my squad is slowly getting smaller and I need this to be done by January to get new players!

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Ah damn, came here looking for this precise answer as my team ( Spurs ), just had a failed takeover bid on them at the start of the fifth season. from local businessman Tom Murray. Was hoping for a sugar Daddy or oil conglomerate ! Wondering how long it will take for him to come back in, but I guess the answer is that its a lottery

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The length of time is very random. I've seen them completed in as little as a few weeks but they can take much longer. My guess is that the program starts the process off, waits a couple of weeks and rolls some dice. The result either advances or ******* the takeover by twenty or thirty percent, FM sends you the appropriate message and repeats the cycle. When the progress variable gets to either zero or one hundred percent, the souffle is ready.

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