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I have Alex Song and in most matches his motivation report says that he is playing nervously, which indicates that he has low pressure attribute. What should i do with him, should i say every game no pressure to him or? Tnx :)

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I don't understand how someone such as Agger, a well established and experiences player, can be nervous playing @ home again the likes of Wigan/Notts County or someone daft. Surely if anything he should be 'confident' - or is a case of they are worried about losing the game and therefore error prone?

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You can do what you can to alleviate the pressure with team talks and player interactions (avoid criticizing him, don't demand great performances, play down your chances of winning, tell them there's no pressure on him to do well, etc.), but really there's not much to be done. In a younger player, tutoring can fix this, and you can always cross your fingers that his pressure attribute improves over time, but at 25 his personality is pretty well established.

And if you tailor your team talks to suit just one player, you probably won't be getting the best out of your more unflappable professionals (which is why it's always a good idea to have a unified squad personality where the effects of an overall team talk will be as consistent as possible).

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If they can't be tutored, get rid of them. You aren't running a charity here, someone like that is bringing in an absolute mint in salary and bonuses and if their nervousness causes inconsistency and poor performances, they have to go. Just think, you can bring someone else in who will do his job just as good for the same money. Loyalty to players who don't perform will only reflect negatively on your results. Besides with a team of people of the same personality you will have a better team blend, players will have each other as favoured personnel more and they'll all be generally happier.

I find that people who can't take pressure are difficult to motivate because you can't tell them they suck without making them go home crying to mummy and whining that they don't feel your comments are fair. They've got their head up their arses and people like that need to be humbled with a transfer listing.

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