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Can't log in to STEAM?

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I was about to update FM to the new patch but now i can't log in to STEAM. I get wrong password even though i KNOW it's right. And when i try to get a new password it say that my e-mail doesn't exist in their database. I can't concact their support because of that neither. Anyone experiencing the same issues? What can i do?

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You tried logging into steam website not the application? I have had this error only once in all the time I've had steam, and it was just something to do with their systems, because it started working again like nothing had happened about an hour later. I changed my pass just in case when it came back, but it has never happened again. This was years ago.

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I'm starting to think i've been hacked.

I can't log in neither with the application nor the website.

When i try to reset the password it says my email doesn't exist and when i search in the community section of their website for my username i get one result with a username that isn't mine. The game inventory is correct though.

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I'm afraid thats the extent of my knowledge on the matter sadly. Mine came back ok no harm done, but I don't recall whether or not I had the exact same criteria, i.e no username listed etc, but it would seem congruent with some form of error their end. Of course, you can never rule out foul play, but I would imagine the chances aren't that high on the whole.

Sorry I have no other suggestions, I hope you get it sorted either way. I would suggest if you really are worried, try making another account and reporting the details, or using a friends as as far as I'm aware, they frown upon multiple accounts for one user, but I think it would be allowed in the situation.

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Your log in details for Steam wont log you onto the forums or helpdesk, you must create a new profile in order to get a responce from them.

In regards to your account, do you have any proof of purchases through your account? If the worst has happened and you have had your account stolen, you will need to provide them evidence in order for them to return it to you.

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I have Football Manager, obviously. Didn't include a photo of the key in my first mail/ticket though. Can i add that later or should I wait for a response from them?

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I don't know if that'll be an issue - surely all you need is to access your account so the games and keys associated with the account would be irrelevant in this type of enquiry?

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