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More than one coach for a training area

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Why does having more than one coach for a training area make no difference to the overall star rating. For example - if I have a coach for Attack who has a 3 star rating then the overall rating is 3 stars. If I add one or two other coaches to the Attack training it makes no difference to the overall rating - still 3. It seems the overall rating cannot be better than the rating of the best coach. Surely this can't be right.

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Makes sense to me too. Putting twenty-two really lousy coaches on defender training should produce some, well, really lousy defenders, not hall-of-famers. The only time it should help is if the assigned coach is overloaded. Then the additional staff should improve the training from a reduced level but, still, not above the rating of the best coach. In short, quality is not additive. Just because one female goalkeeping coach can produce a new goalie in nine months doesn't mean nine coaches can punch one out in, well, you know...

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I was about to ask something along these lines - so essentially, if you add a coach to a particular discipline and the overall star rating doesn't go up at all, does that mean he's absolutely pointless and wasting a wage?

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I was about to ask something along these lines - so essentially, if you add a coach to a particular discipline and the overall star rating doesn't go up at all, does that mean he's absolutely pointless and wasting a wage?

Yes . It might be an idea to see if one of them can be assigned to something else coaching wise . Either that or get rid of one of them and look where else you need coaching improved and hire one for that .

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I was about to ask something along these lines - so essentially, if you add a coach to a particular discipline and the overall star rating doesn't go up at all, does that mean he's absolutely pointless and wasting a wage?

Don't forget to check the workload for each coach. A 4 * coach will probably have a medium workload but when you add another coach with lower star, you can reduce the workload

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Don't forget to check the workload for each coach. A 4 * coach will probably have a medium workload but when you add another coach with lower star, you can reduce the workload

So you're saying it's not worthless? I'm glad about that. The way you describe it working makes more sense to reality. *goes to check*

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I've just checked - all training areas are "light" for workload. So it seems I have a couple of coaches who are apparently "worthless" but... I have two or three catagories that are still on three and a half stars. I have "top" training facilities... There must be something I can do to make them higher? I still have room for more coaches, but what's the point if they're worthless?

For example, I have one coach who is 20 on tactics, but it makes NO difference to the overall tactics score if he's clicked on tactics or not. Either way, it stays on 3.5 stars... wtf?!

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Tactics coaches need more than just tactical coaching, things like motivation, determination etc all factor in to that star rating.

Additionally, your top training facilities do not affect the star rating, the same coach will be 3 stars in the best or worst facilities - but they will coach better in top facilities, it is in addition to the stars rather than part of it.

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I've just checked - all training areas are "light" for workload. So it seems I have a couple of coaches who are apparently "worthless" but... I have two or three catagories that are still on three and a half stars. I have "top" training facilities... There must be something I can do to make them higher? I still have room for more coaches, but what's the point if they're worthless?

For example, I have one coach who is 20 on tactics, but it makes NO difference to the overall tactics score if he's clicked on tactics or not. Either way, it stays on 3.5 stars... wtf?!


Doesn't matter if he has 20 for tactics, if he has low determination, discipline and motivation he won't get the higher star rating.

To get a 5 star rating I think you need at least 15 in the area of coaching, then in DDM as well. (or around that number) I search for couaches based on their DDM attributes first and then see what area they can coach. If you have surplus coacjes, sack the worst ones and look for coaches with good ddm + the training are you have the lowest stars in.

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That's... Hmmm.... Ok, so how can I KNOW somebody is going to make a difference to the overall star rating of a catagory before I employ them?

This what I have found:


Fitness * 9 + ddm * 2

>= 270 = 5 stars

>= 240 = 4.5 stars

>= 210 = 4 stars

>= 180 = 3.5 stars

>= 150 = 3 stars


Fitness * 9 + ddm * 2

>= 270 = 5 stars

>= 240 = 4.5 stars

>= 210 = 4 stars

>= 180 = 3.5 stars

>= 150 = 3 stars


Goalkeepers * 2 + ddm

>=90 = 5 stars

>=80 = 4.5 stars

>=70 = 4 stars

>=60 = 3.5 stars

>=50 = 3 stars


Tactical * 2 + ddm

>=90 = 5 stars

>=80 = 4.5 stars

>=70 = 4 stars

>=60 = 3.5 stars

>=50 = 3 stars

Ball Control:

Technical * 6 + Mental * 3 + ddm * 2

>= 270 = 5 stars

>= 240 = 4.5 stars

>= 210 = 4 stars

>= 180 = 3.5 stars

>= 150 = 3 stars


Defending * 8 + (Tactical + ddm) * 3

>=360 = 5 stars

>=320 = 4.5 stars

>=280 = 4 stars

>=240 = 3.5 stars

>=200 = 3 stars


Attacking * 6 + Tactical * 3 + ddm * 2

>= 270 = 5 stars

>= 240 = 4.5 stars

>= 210 = 4 stars

>= 180 = 3.5 stars

>= 150 = 3 stars


Technical * 6 + Attacking * 3 + ddm * 2

>= 270 = 5 stars

>= 240 = 4.5 stars

>= 210 = 4 stars

>= 180 = 3.5 stars

>= 150 = 3 stars


use a third party scout type thing.



To get a 5 star GK coach for example you would need 20 for GK and 17,17,and 16 for the DDM (in any order)

Someone that has 15, 15, 15 for DDM but only 10 for the training area will still be a 3.5 star coach. So DDM is very important.

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This what I have found:


use a third party scout type thing.



To get a 5 star GK coach for example you would need 20 for GK and 17,17,and 16 for the DDM (in any order)

Someone that has 15, 15, 15 for DDM but only 10 for the training area will still be a 3.5 star coach. So DDM is very important.

That's brilliant. Particularly the calculator! I never looked at "DDM" (or knew what it was until just now!) before. Huge help. Thanks.

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I take your point about the level of coaching not being better than the best coach but, if there are two coaches with the same rating, then surely the players must improve more quickly as each coach could train half the players.

That's where "coaches workload" would come into play I assume. If you're already on "light" in said catagory, then you can' spread the workload any thinner. I take what you're saying, but there has to be a cut off point somewhere.

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I take your point about the level of coaching not being better than the best coach but, if there are two coaches with the same rating, then surely the players must improve more quickly as each coach could train half the players.

That's workload though.

If for example you had two average teachers in a classroom, it might help if you had say 45 students in there, but if you only had say 20 then having two average teachers isn't going to improve the level of teaching.

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I was a teacher before I retired so I can assure you that having 10 to teach rather than 20 makes a huge difference. Even if it came down to teaching one pupil instead of two would make a difference.

That is a workload issue though.

20 students learning from a great teacher who has lots of knowledge, is excellent at passing on this knowlege, and is great at motivating their students to learn will learn more, at a faster rate than one student with a private tutor who has limited knowledge and isn't very good at passing that knowledge on or motivating their students to learn.

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True, but we are speaking about teachers/coaches who are equally good or bad. If the students are split into two classes of 10 then each student would get more attention from the teacher/coach.

It is also likely that the students/players will already be at different levels (have different attribute levels) and the groups would be split into top and lower sections and would be taught different levels of skill.

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True, but we are speaking about teachers/coaches who are equally good or bad. If the students are split into two classes of 10 then each student would get more attention from the teacher/coach.

It is also likely that the students/players will already be at different levels (have different attribute levels) and the groups would be split into top and lower sections and would be taught different levels of skill.

But again that is workload, If the coach is training 'ball control' then he will do ball control drills with a certain amount of players, if has too many players to coach ball control to then yes the standard will drop, thus having two similar ability coaches would help, but there will be a certain number of players that one coach can teach to the best of his ability, adding extra coaches isn't going to improve the training level. Very little football coaching is one v one, (goalkeepers aside) training drills work better in small groups.

I think you have gone into the teaching anology too far, learning things like geography or maths is far more complicated and detailed than learning to control a football for example. Football drills are generally quite simple and repetitive, it's muscle memory learning. Also footballers at a professional club will all have a similar basic level ability that you don't get with students from a school. (you class split thing is also where you have the youth team train seperately from the first team etc)

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We are both probably theorising too much. This is a computer game and the only people who could answer the question are the programmers or one of the moderators. Maybe I should post this elsewhere and see if we can get a definitive answer.

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We are both probably theorising too much. This is a computer game and the only people who could answer the question are the programmers or one of the moderators. Maybe I should post this elsewhere and see if we can get a definitive answer.

Maybe if you consider the number of stars to be a ceiling it might make sense. 30 x 3 star coaches teaching 30 players one on one will maybe bring those players up to the highest level of skill (3 star) quicker than one 3 star coach, but in neither situation would the players learn any skills that require a coach with more stars.

However, that is assuming that each coach is teaching the same set of skills or teaching them in the same way, with the same Determination, Discipline and Motivation. It is much cheaper though, for example, to hire an all round, average coach with top Motivation - as well as one specialist coach per category - and assign him to all, or several categories, than multiple, various types of individual coaches for each category.

This is too much of an in depth subject to go into casually, maybe check out some of the info in the T&T section.

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