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Making enemies with other managers

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Hints and tips suggests that I should make friends with other managers in case I ever want to make a bid for one if his players.

I'm just wondering if this is the only use for manager relationship.

Does it affect how other managers comment on me and my team?

Are there any positives to making a manager my mortal enemy?

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Well if another manager hates you then depending on his media handling style, he might slag you off in the press or comment about you in press conferences, but this can be a good thing or a bad thing and you can turn it to your advantage by responding appropriately. I have seen it before where you players can get concerned about you not being respected by other managers, but that wouldn't bother me in the slightest, although it may affect the players' performance, but that's a different matter.

Anyway you're right, the biggest disadvantage of not having good relationships with other managers is that they will play hardball if you want to buy one of their players, but again it's never bothered me at all. I've never really gone out of my way to foster a bad relationship with another manager in the game, with a few exceptions. When I was Liverpool manager, I slagged off the Man Utd manager at every opportunity, mainly because it was Roy Keane and I think he's a class A c*** and also because, well, he was Utd manager so it seemed like the thing to do.

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I slagged off the Man Utd manager at every opportunity, mainly because it was Roy Keane and I think he's a class A c*** and also because, well, he was Utd manager so it seemed like the thing to do.

That's funny because I do exactly the same. The only managers I make enemies of are Ferguson, but he retires too soon to have much fun with it, Roy Keane and whoever manages Manchester United, regardless of who it is.

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That's funny because I do exactly the same. The only managers I make enemies of are Ferguson, but he retires too soon to have much fun with it, Roy Keane and whoever manages Manchester United, regardless of who it is.

Lol :) I also made an enemy of the Man City manager (can't remember who it was at first, but later on it was Sergio Aguerro) because Utd fell away and they became my main rivals for the title year on year.

I think you have to, it's all part of the fun of FM :D

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mainly because it was Roy Keane and I think he's a class A c***

offtopic: he is, i was watching the man utd - real game yesterday and in the studio he was basically screaming that ref made good decision to sent off Nani, that it was dangerous play etc... Hypocrite...

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I'm not aware of any possible positive effect of making another manager your enemy.

In terms of gameplay this means that this is a very obvious area that is useless.

There is always only one way viable, make friends with as many people as possible to gain the advantages from it. The process of doing so ia however no fun at all, just tiring.

I can see that some people might for various reasons make enemies of managers they don't like or with clubs they detest, but that is all just cosmetic. The whole interaction thing has just not enough bearing on the game to be worth keeping. Nor does it add any element of fun to the game. Just more hassle and work, cause while it's there you have to use it to your advantage and accordingly make clicks and do stuff that has predictable outcomes and doesn't add any immersion.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've experimented a tad with making 'friends' with well rejected managers in the same league as me, but being less friendly with very inexperienced managers, usually before games to see of it has any affect. But no, not really much difference.

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The big advantage of having enemies is it's great for a laugh - they say things like "XYZ is obviously out of his depth" after you trounce them 4-0.

On a more serious note, I think it's a case of players can react to these comments - both your team and their team; just like players can react to your comments (should not be commenting on other teams; likes his manager's comments etc.). My highly determined and relatively professional squad take no notice of these inferior managers making silly comments. They do sometimes like the fact that I'm getting the respect I deserve when people make positive comments.

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The big advantage of having enemies is it's great for a laugh - they say things like "XYZ is obviously out of his depth" after you trounce them 4-0.

On a more serious note, I think it's a case of players can react to these comments - both your team and their team; just like players can react to your comments (should not be commenting on other teams; likes his manager's comments etc.). My highly determined and relatively professional squad take no notice of these inferior managers making silly comments. They do sometimes like the fact that I'm getting the respect I deserve when people make positive comments.

Yep, pretty much all I've found manager mind games useful for is influencing the morale of either my squad or the opponents. I guess it might influence how they react to offers from you for their players but I imagine the difference would be negligible.

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Mancini and I have been at each others heads since 2012 and it`s now 2023 and in his profile it has changed to ' can become friends'

As if buddy, i slag him off everytime and his players react badly with 'concerned that manager does not have respect of other managers' :)

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I thought it was silly that I was coaching an amateur-level home-town team, and my amateur cup opponent's coach, who had been on the job for 6 days, was critical of my coaching abilities. I remained silent, and even though his team was a prohibitive favorite to win the match, my lads beat him 3-1 (even playing down two men for the last 15 minutes) and sent two of his team off to the physio. THEN I had something to say.

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