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If it would be ok to ask this in this forum. [tutoring] can i ..... ?

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im in division 1 england. I have a 16 yr old ***.5 stars Current ability with ***** Potential ability. My crop of CentreBacks only have a *** CA and PA of ***.

Im thinking, if this would be a hindrance to the youngster being tutored by CB's of their star current ability.

Can i hear your views of what i can do regarding tutoring my youngster.


ps-from tutoring, what attribute changes too if you'd like to add too. ty.

Hope someone can help me with this. Oh yeah, this is in FM'10. If there is a FM'10 forum, i thought it might take longer to get answer an answer there so wrote in this FM'13 forum. Hope you can understand me just wanting to get response sooner than later :).

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CA and PA are not what someone should focus on for tutoring, it's the mental stats.

Determination is the only one which you will be able to notice having a direct change (apart from the boost on every other one), but the hidden stats change with tutoring as well. Ambition, Professionalism, Sportsmanship, Controversy, Pressure, Adaptability and Loyalty.

Professionalism and Ambition is what you want your youth to have increased,because they are the 2 main stats that affect how fast a player develops, then determination and sportsmanship if possible.

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I rank determination highest, then professionalism, then I look for ambition. But hey, my side has only won 1 of the 3 CL Finals we made it too, so I could have my priorities wrong. :)

Basically I want my entire team to be determined professionals. Why? Because their professionalism means they work hard in training/off the pitch. This is great for a developing player. Their determination means they work hard on the pitch. It also means they take criticism well, in almost all cases.

So to answer the question, look at the personality of the tutors, their determination, and then compare to your promising CB. If the young CB has 'Fairly Ambitious' and the senior CB is 'Very Determined' I would say do it, if its the opposite, and the youngster has the 'Highly Ambitious/Professional...' etc. then don't do it.

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And to add on achilles' reply, these are the best personalities,in priority order (roughly):

Model Citizen -> Perfectionist -> Model Professional -> Professional -> Spirited -> Resolute-Realist -> highly ambitious -> fairly professional -> fairly ambitious

Keep in mind that non of those are absolute though, for example, a player might be highly ambitious with 20 ambition and 14 professionalism. That would be more than good and better than a professional with 18 professionalism and 4 ambition.

That's why the most trustworthy personalities are model citizen and perfectionist, because they both require a high amount of ambition and professionalism. You won't be finding a model citizen anytime soon most likely, but always regard perfectionists highly.

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I love me a spirited player, or a Model Pro! If you see a talented prospect with a Model Pro personality sign him immediately! Those kids are 90% likely to reach their potential, in my experience.

And to add on achilles' reply, these are the best personalities,in priority order (roughly):

Model Citizen -> Perfectionist -> Model Professional -> Professional -> Spirited -> Resolute-Realist -> highly ambitious -> fairly professional -> fairly ambitious

Keep in mind that non of those are absolute though, for example, a player might be highly ambitious with 20 ambition and 14 professionalism. That would be more than good and better than a professional with 18 professionalism and 4 ambition.

That's why the most trustworthy personalities are model citizen and perfectionist, because they both require a high amount of ambition and professionalism. You won't be finding a model citizen anytime soon most likely, but always regard perfectionists highly.

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I love me a spirited player, or a Model Pro! If you see a talented prospect with a Model Pro personality sign him immediately! Those kids are 90% likely to reach their potential, in my experience.

Yep, got to love the combination of professionalism and sportsmanship of spirited players. :D

I still wait for the holy grail of a model citizen to be generated, over 50 seasons in.

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Just to add to what other have said the media handling style on the personal information also gives clues, i.e. outspoken and volatile will mean the player has low rating in temperament and controversy. That will not likely have an impact on his progression, unless they lead to him being unhappy at the club, but will influence how he responds to criticism, how likely he is to become unsettled, etc.

There's a personality guide here: http://community.sigames.com/showthread.php/261125-Player-personality-formula

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