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I have search in the forum and haven't found any question, but I apologize before if it already asked.

1. To develop young players we need to give him some match time. Does the match in reserve and U18 apply or only when he play for the first squad count? If the match in reserve and U18 count, do I have to manage the match?

2. I've tried to hire a coach and didn't realize that my coach is already maximum. The board then reject the contract, when I try to talk to the board to increase the number of coach the option are disabled when before it is enabled. Is this common? And how long should I wait until I can talk about it with the board?

3. Could I change the role of my staff? Let say I want to replace my Head of Youth with one of my coach?

4. I have a senior squad member, and I already talk to him to become a coach after he retired. He said he can start right away. But why won't he accept the coach contract? Do I need to terminate him before hiring him as coach?

Thank you for your help

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1- I think all matches help. but on a scale. A 1st team match will help more than reserves or u18s.

3 - you can if the positiion is free and if the staff member in question is willing to take on that role. Not all staff members will accept all roles

4 - don't terminate him, he will then never sign for you. Are you offering him a full on coach contract or a player/coach? When he said right away he meant as a player coach.He will probs reject full on coach as he wants to play. If he is rejecting player coach, then well that is a bit odd after saying he could start right away, but he will accept it eventually. Don't offer too often though as then he might not like you due to failed negotiations.

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