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I have the 2013 version on my ipad as I travel a lot and play it when not at home to play the full version. Although I do enjoy it I really struggle to find realistic tactics that I can get to work consistently, I'd rather play the game like the full version an try and adapt to the opposition and use a real life system. Am I looking to do something that is beyond the depths of this game yet or am I just going about it wrong? I have tried almost every system I can think of but just tend to go in runs of form and get hugely unrealistic score lines. If anyone does have any tip on playing then I'd love to hear them, if not ill just try and enjoy it for what it is and stop banging my head against a brick wall searching!

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As a game pitched at the more casual player I wouldn't have thought they'd add too many more layers to the tactics....

Yes, they're basic but that's what makes it pick up and play. Try the tactic used in the Stalybridge thread - has worked a treat for me.

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