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Championship to Premiership Help

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I just won the Championship with Notts Forest with a couple of games to spare.

I was using a 4-2-2-2 mainly http://i.imgur.com/NvLUIE8.png but would play 4-1-2-2-1 http://i.imgur.com/gtv53Fo.png when up against better teams.

I'm really struggling with these tactics in the Premier League but would probably go back to them when I had better players. I have made up a more defensive tactic 4-1-4-1 http://i.imgur.com/ZpIcppM.png which still allows me to use my wingers as wide mid fielders but there is a huge gap between mid field and the lone striker.

Any suggestions for improving this?

I am ending up 0-0 against similar level teams and still losing 3-0 to the better teams. The football is also boring.

I would welcome suggestions for making my 4-1-4-1 tactic score a few goals or making my 4-1-2-2-1 tactic better against the top teams.

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Hi Andy. I don't like to see anybody without any replies to their threads so here are my suggestions.

The bottom half of the Premier League will not be any better than the top of the Championship so use the tactics which were successful before. You don't expect to win many matches against Man U etc so use shouts like - Stand off opponents - and - Get stuck in for these matches.

Hope this helps.

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The reason you don't get any replies is due tot he lack of details provided on your part. Surely you could see you are lacking with details? You don't mention why the football is boring, what sort of issues you are having. What sort of goals been conceded etc.

How is anyone able to give advice when they don't actually know that the general issues are? Posting images of the tactic is useless in isolation and doesn't provide anything for anyone to advise on until you go into details and give specifics to the actual issues and post up stats etc.

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I had read your sticky - Asking for help - and thought I had included enough detail to at least get a discussion started but obviously not. I am relatively new to the forum so I am still finding my way about but I do think that everybody deserves a reply if only to ask for more details (I have replied to one or two posts myself although I don't know how much help I am). I appreciate that you get frustrated with the lack of detail given by some posters but bear in mind that we are not all experts on football. When testing a change in tactics I watch in Full Game mode for the first 15 mins or so and always watch games in Comprehensive mode (in 2D) but still find it difficult to work out what is happening. I can probably tell if the opposition are pressing but I'm never sure how high their defensive line is etc. I should say at this stage that I am partially sighted so that doesn't help when I'm trying to figure out who is playing badly. I have to rely on the match stats for that. I do know that if my team has had no shots on goal in 45 mins then they are probably playing boring football.

I'm not sure that I could give the detailed info needed for help so I'll probably just browse other threads. I'm not doing too badly anyway, following my own advice, as we are in with a chance of getting into Europe.


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